off topic Found a guest in our backyard


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It's been a while since I've seen one of these spiders. I've seen them in the country when we lived in Rocky Ridge, OH. They're big and brightly colored. She made her web in my wife's phlox garden.

She's wet because I hit her with the hose before I realized she was there.
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I'd say about an inch and a half. Summer's not over so I'm sure she'll get bigger. They're amazing when catching something to eat--they're very fast. Here's a page about the yellow garden spider: black and yellow garden spider
Here she is again. She just caught a bug but I missed it by the time I grabbed my camera.

When my kids were little, we'd throw bugs into spider webs so we could watch them.
My sister and I grew a huge garden a few years back and there was a healthy sized spider like this whose web stretched between two tall tomato plants. Never one for killing anything, I always watered after I made sure she was on her web which also helped ensure she did not end up on me. My brother-in-law who was also similarly horrified by spiders decided to help me out by removing her web, thus ensuring I couldn't keep track of her. I promised him that if she ran up my body, I would catch her and a couple of her relatives and set them loose in his bedroom!
My sister and I grew a huge garden a few years back and there was a healthy sized spider like this whose web stretched between two tall tomato plants. Never one for killing anything, I always watered after I made sure she was on her web which also helped ensure she did not end up on me. My brother-in-law who was also similarly horrified by spiders decided to help me out by removing her web, thus ensuring I couldn't keep track of her. I promised him that if she ran up my body, I would catch her and a couple of her relatives and set them loose in his bedroom!
I don't mind spiders as long as they're outside. I haven't seen this spider for almost a week. Looks like she's making her web but hiding. She might be guarding her egg sac.