Advice on using a muzzle


New Member
Does anyone out there need to use a muzzle in order to clean their cocker's ears or trim their nails?
My rescue cocker won't let me near his ears or nails without a severe warning on his part so I have backed off for now. I do not want to use a muzzle, but I also want to maintain good ear health. Advice on using muzzles would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
Your ultimate goal would be doing these without the muzzle. I think it's possible if you can earn his trust. I would introduce the muzzle gradually and reward with treats. Just have it on the ground so he can see it and give him treats. Groom him with it in your hand and give treats. Groom his face with it in your hand and give treats. Placing the muzzle over his face briefly (don't strap it) and give treats. Strapping it briefly then remove and give treats...You get the idea.

I recommend this type of muzzle because it's less restrictive. It allows him to open his mouth and pant.
So I have mixed feeling about this. If you re backing off when he throws a fit you are giving him the signs that "hey if I don't want to do something I can pitch a fit and not have to do it" and he will continue his behavior. But if his ears are painful or he had a painful experience in the past then that might explain his behavior.

Does he have an ear infection, making his ears too sore to treat? Has he been to a vet? maybe take him to he vet and have them do it...he may allow them to do it. if so then I would get a soft muzzle and use it.
Thank you so much for your reply. I am certain he does not have an ear infection. I can play with his ears when we are in play/affection mode but the minute he knows you are 'looking' in his ears, he gets growly. We have not used the muzzle yet and I would rather not use it. We have hired a behaviorist that will meet with us tomorrow and hopefully will help us understand and give us some answers to move forward. He is very affectionate but only when he initiates it. He does not like to be hugged or picked up but he cuddles up when you lay on the couch or in bed? He very much wants to be with us and will not go on walks unless both of us go. He does not want anyone left behind. He is a little weirdo lol.
The muzzle is a good idea and I like manuel's idea for habituating the dog to the muzzle. The dog needs to accept the muzzle and wear it in neutral situations as well as those that arouse his trust issues. You should leave it on for a bit and take it off a couple times a day, even after he is used to it. How long have you had the dog? A couple of different people that I know have had rescue dogs with some pretty bad behavioral and temperamental issues and over time (a year or two) the issues seemed to lessen or go away on their own. So hang in there. Unfortunately you cannot wait that long to take care of those ears and nails. Have you tried a grinder as opposed to clippers for the nails? I think you should keep handling the ears in play mode and then slowly lengthen the time you play with them.