Author: Manuel Villanueva
Hoshi’s bath today
It was time for a bath. Hoshi was scratching and I wondered if he had fleas. I didn’t find any fleas. I trimmed his face, between his legs, paws, and butt. He’s resting right now. He hates having his paws and lips done. It’s difficult doing between his nose and eyes–there’s not much room. I left the length because it’s still cold out. I botched his tuft so I shaved it off–everyone admires his tuft.
Here’s a video of Hoshi having his breakfast this morning:
Home page updated
The Featured Adoptable Pet on this sidebar has been updated ensuring the rescue is still active on Petfinder. They were chosen at random around the country:
- Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England
- Angels Under Our Wings Cocker Spaniel Rescue (Victoria, BC)
- Florida Cocker Spaniel Rescue
- Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas-Houston
- Second Chance Cocker Rescue (CA)
- Camp Cocker (CA)
- Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue (NY)
- Oldies But Goodies Cocker Spaniel Rescue (VA)
Also, the home page was updated so comments can be sent securely over our server. Older articles that have content from another site (e.g. video) may cause a warning because the source isn’t from a secure server. If you experience any problems, please let me know.
Cocker puppy shot dead in Corbett, OR
If you love them, don’t them unattended. This cocker spaniel puppy was shot point blank on the owners porch.
You deliberately shot her between the eyes… It’s not like this was an accident. You had to have wanted to do that and I don’t understand that.
Pet food documentary: Pet Fooled
If you’re interested what your pet eats, please watch a documentary about the pet food industry called Pet Fooled. Veterinarian, Dr. Karen Becker, appears in the film. She’s one of the reasons I became interested in raw diets 5 years ago. The film will be released on vimeo, iTunes, vudu, and cable on demand, January 10, 2017.
You have well-meaning loving veterinarians recommending foods not because they have sound nutritional background but because that’s all that they know.