Author: Manuel Villanueva
Hoshi nearly choked
Short story – Hoshi choked on a piece of bagel but spit it out. I took Hoshi on a walk this morning and he picked up a big soggy bagel off of someone’s lawn. It looked gross and I told him to put it down which didn’t work. After a while he did drop it but not before taking a 1/3 bite out of it. Suddenly, he stopped walking and began acting strange. He moved his head side to side then reared up and fell on his back. He got back up and I figured he was choking. I gave him a half-assed Heimlich maneuver and the bagel came up along with emesis. I’m not sure if I had any effect or it came up on its own.
Hoshi was okay after that except for a little snorting. It was scary. I have to keep him from eating garbage on his walks. I’ll try to teach him “leave it.”
Hoshi in Merrill, MI
Broken and confused, family dumps dog at shelter the moment his owner died
Fleas even with Frontline Plus
It had only been 10 days since using Frontline on Hoshi and I noticed him scratching. I also noticed flea dirt and fleas on his scrotum during his trim yesterday so I used Hartz UltraGuard Plus flea shampoo on him. I’m not sure if the Frontline didn’t work or if he picked up more fleas outside. He’s seems comfortable now.