David Henry Lynch of Littleton, Colorado was sentenced to 6 months jail for animal abuse. Lynch’s cocker spaniel Herschel was found living in deplorable conditions, malnourished and in need of medical care. Both Herschel’s eyes were surgically removed due to their poor condition. Herschel lived with an adoptive family for a year until he passed away.
Author: Manuel Villanueva
Hoshi posing in front of x-mas display
One of the neighbors made a cute display. I asked if I could take Hoshi’s picture there.
Gave Hoshi his bath
I let Hoshi’s hair grow out for his Christmas pictures but shaved him down yesterday. Believe it or not, he gets hot in the house with his hair long. He’ll get up and start panting. The temperature has been around freezing for the past week and I keep the thermostat set at 71F. I think we’re finally over the fleas. Really, we didn’t have any problem till that cat started hanging around the house. I haven’t seen it lately.
He’s been picky lately with his raw chicken. The other day I cooked the meat except for the bone and gave it to him which he liked. I don’t mind. I just have to wait for it to cool. Truth is I’ve been letting him sample what I eat which he like better than raw chicken. I make turkey tacos and he loves the meat.
Cocker spaniel abusers get jail time
New Jersey couple Keith Morgan and Shauna Ewing were sentenced to 6 months of jail for animal cruelty. They tied their sickly cocker spaniel “Samurai” in a garbage bag and left him for dead along the roadside back in March, 2013. The couple will also serve 30 days community service, pay $14,500 in fines and restitution, and are banned from owning any more pets.
Judge Robert M. LePore made an example of the two.
There has to be a deterrent to animal cruelty…Unless these individuals are imprisoned for their depraved, cruel and heinous conduct, such acts of animal cruelty will continue…
Initially, Morgan was treated as a hero for supposedly finding the abandoned dog. He pretended Samurai wasn’t his but authorities discovered he was the owner.
What happened at the portrait studio
This is what Hoshi looks like after jumping off a table, sending it flying thus toppling over a camera flash on a tripod. Once he landed he ran around the studio straight into their office to greet the staff and a toddler. He ran into the office twice before I figured out the door should be closed.