Last Friday Hoshi let out a whimper jumping down the basement steps. He always flies down them skipping the last few altogether. He also fell flat on his face going up the steps. I took him to the vet and I think she said she could move his left knee cap out of place (luxating patella) which isn’t normal. She gave him some pain pills and suggested he rest for a few days. He’s better now but I’ve suspected he has some kind of problem by the way he walks.
Author: Manuel Villanueva
Hoshi posing for pic with frogs
Cocker spaniel keeps baby from drowing
Hoshi got skunked
I spent about 5 hours this morning washing up Hoshi. He saw a skunk on our walk and charged it. He was on his flexileash. I thought it was a bunny. I looked up and saw Hoshi standing in front of a skunk with it’s tail up in the air! It got him in the face and eyes. He rolled in the grass trying to get off him. He smelled terrible. I bathed him with about 5 pints of peroxide and a cup and a 1/4 of baking soda plus dish soap. I used his regular shampoo around his face. It helped. You can sort of smell skunk on him but not anywhere as bad as it was.
Hoshi Bath Time
Hoshi is on a prescription shampoo for the “skin tags” all over his back. He’s supposed to get bathed every other week but I haven’t kept up. Well, the skin tags are worse and I’m probably taking him to a dermatologist.
Hoshi got is bath this past Tuesday including a flea bath. Gabby and Beanie have been scratching plus I found a flea on my ankle the other day. Fleas have been good so far this year. This is the second time I’ve found fleas this year.
Hoshi has had a problem with eye boogers. Problem is he won’t take eye drops. You’ve never seen a dog struggle over eye drops like Hoshi. He thinks he’s being killed. He actually wore me out several times and I just gave up trying. I was persistent though. I gave him eye drops after each meal and after 2 weeks he’s finally letting me give him eye drops with minimum fuss. His eye’s look better and I’ll have the vet check them out next visit.