We were taking our walk this morning and as usual Hoshi was scavenging for anything he could eat. It was 6:00am and still dark. Just minutes into our walk Hoshi picked up something that looked like a bone. Later he stopped and picked up something else. He stood there for awhile with it in his mouth then he set it back down. IT HAD EARS AND A POINTY NOSE! It was a baby squirrel! It seemed to be sick because it was barely moving. We left it there and headed home. That squirrel would have been history if it had been Gabby that found it.
Author: Manuel Villanueva
Hoshi’s 1st raw meal
Let’s see how he does. I bought some frozen chicken thighs. After it was pretty much unthawed I gave it to him. He gave it a few licks then looked at me and said, “this is raw!” I had to hand feed it to him. He seemed to like the meat better than the skin. The meat was softer than the chewy skin. He gave up after a while and barked at it! He does that sometimes with his treats. I got him to eat the rest 10 minutes later. Believe it or not, he wouldn’t eat the bone. Normally, he’ll snatch up chicken bones we find on our walks and eat them.
Buzz cut time
I think this is Hoshi’s last shave down for the season. He had some skin issues and I suspected fleas. I found 2 fleas on his belly after his bath. One was half-drowned and the other was still feisty. He’s really scratching right now after his bath. It’s not time yet for Frontline but he’ll be due in a few days. I know my cut is sloppy. I’ll go back and catch those places I missed. He hates me scissoring his feet. He got fidgity as soon as he saw the scissors come out. Doesn’t he look like a pit bull without his tuft? 😛
Remote control model helicopter
Someone told me 7-Eleven was selling a cheap remote control helicopter. I bought one for Hoshi. I tried it out and Hoshi was sooo excited. He attacked it but didn’t break it. It’s neat! He’s having fits right now because he wants it. I’ll get some pictures or maybe a video later when I have time.
Cocker spaniel thrown from car
A five-month-old buff cocker spaniel is recovering at Second Chance Animal Hospital in Arizona with a broken leg and many broken teeth. An Arizona Humane Society (AHS) employee brought Payton, the cocker spaniel, in for treatment after a bystander reported seeing the dog being thrown from a car on Interstate 17 on or about August 17, 2011. Once released from the hospital, Payton will finish her recovery in foster care then hopefully find a loving home. The AHS is asking their Facebook friends to donate $5.00 to help Payton and other needy animals in their care. AHS on Facebook