Cocker spaniel adoption events

Adoption Events
Location & Map Date & Time Rescue
PetSmart S Alexandria, VA April 2 @ 11am-2pm Oldies but Goodies (OBG)
PetSmart Bellaire, TX April 2 @ 11am-2pm Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas – Houston
PetSmart Houston, TX April 2 @ 11am-2pm Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas – Houston
Mr. Detail Car Wash Houston, Tx April 2 @ 11am-2pm Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas – Houston
Bark Pet Store, MD April 3 @ 11am-2pm (OBG)
PetSmart Springfield, VA April 9 @ 11am-2pm Oldies but Goodies (OBG)
PetSmart Katy, TX April 9 @ 11am-2pm Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas – Houston
Dogma Dog Bakery, VA April 16 @ 11am-2pm Oldies but Goodies (OBG)
Petsmart Houston, TX April 16 @ 11am-2pm Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas – Houston
PetSmart Richmond, TX April 16 @ 11am-2pm Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas – Houston
PetSmart Rockville, VA April 23 @ 11am-2pm Oldies but Goodies (OBG)
PetSmart Lake Jackson, TX April 23 @ 11am-2pm Oldies but Goodies (OBG)
PetSmart Cypress, TX April 23 @ 11am-2pm Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas – Houston
PetSmart Manassas South, VA April 30 @ 11am-2pm Oldies but Goodies (OBG)

Additionally, 2nd Chance Cocker Rescue holds adoptions every 1st Saturday at Petco Sacremento, CA and every 3rd Saturday at Petsmart Folsom, CA. These are just a few events. Check your local cocker rescue for events in your area.

Distemper outbreak across the nation

Many animal shelters across the nation are experiencing high incidence of distemper. Shelters are either shutting down or euthanizing their animals to prevent spreading the disease. The Memphis Animal Shelter, Tennessee was hardest hit. They have euthanized over 50 dogs in the past few days including many that were ready for adoption. Stephanie Chozen from an unnamed cocker rescue was able to save the only cocker left, a black and white parti or roan. A buff cocker was pictured in news video. Apparently he didn’t make it. Stephanie will keep him quarantined before fostering him.

Buff Cocker @ Memphis Shelter
Buff cocker @ Memphis shelter: WREG News

Distemper is caused by paramyxovirus, a highly contagious and often fatal disease. Distemper can be prevented though routine vaccinations. Affected shelters are giving away as many dogs as they can and the rest will most likely be euthanized. The Memphis Shelter had a 77% euthanasia rate last year.

Oklahoma woman assaulted by dog abuser

Yorkie choked by owner: KFOR News
An Oklahoma woman who witnessed an alcoholic vagrant choke his Yorkie was assaulted after confronting him. It bothers me when I see irresponsible people with dogs such as this one. They can’t even care for themselves yet they have pets. I have no compassion for these individuals. If you do witness someone abusing a pet please do not confront them. This man was obviously intoxicated and not safe to approach. Call the police and photograph them or make a video recording.

Indiana: Cocker thrown from car, UPDATE

Bambi post op
Bambi after surgery: WLKY News
Bambi's X-ray
Bambi's X-ray: WLKY News

Bambi made it through her critical period! Bambi had surgery Monday to repair a fractured pelvic bone receiving six screws and a metal plate. Her recovery will take 8 weeks and she may have permanent weakness in her left hind leg. She suffered nerve damage causing her to drag that foot. It’s likely she will always have chronic pain or numbess in that leg. Bambi’s surgery was estimated at $6,000. If you would like to make a donation please visit the Shamrock Foundation.

No one has been charged yet with this crime although the authorities have a “person of interest.”  The Humane Society of River Valley, Indiana is offering a reward leading towards the arrest and conviction of persons responsible.

Follow Bambi’s progress on facebook.