Kingsbarns, England: Litter of eleven comes as huge shock

You’ll love this story if you want to see plenty of English cocker spaniel puppies. 🙂 The Courier is reporting on a litter of eleven English cocker spaniel puppies which came unexpectedly to pet owners. Both mommy and daddy are gorgeous blue roans. The pups appear to be red and whites and black and whites. By the way, the average litter size for cocker spaniels is five.

Another dog shooting involving CCW holder

This case has a different circumstance than the previous incident. In the other case, the concealed weapons holder basically threatened to kill his neighbor’s pets then carried it out. In this case, the shooter’s dog was viciously attacked by a 100 pound mastiff. The mastiff latched onto the shooter’s greyhound’s neck and had drawn blood. The shooter had attempted to remove the mastiff by force with no avail. He commanded the owner to restrain her mastiff or he would shoot. I’m not sure what I would do if my pet’s life was threatened but drawing my concealed weapon would be a last resort. In this case, it appears the law was on the shooter’s side. Actually, it was a city ordinance that protected him:

Colorado Springs: Discharge of a weapon

It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of this section if a person discharges a firearm in an act of self-defense of the person, the person’s property or the person’s domestic animal.

This law is something entirely different that Colorado’s Concealed Handgun Permit. I would advise any CCW (carry concealed weapon) holder to check their local laws regarding this use. This was an unfortunate event for both pet owners involved–one lost her pet and the other was treated for severe wounds.

Do you know of a cocker in need?

Please contact me (see link at bottom of page) if you know of a cocker spaniel who is in need of assistance and I’ll gladly include it on our home page and on facebook.  It’s incredibly easy to add updates to our home page now.  Robin of Oklahoma Cocker Rescue had contacted me of a sad case before updating our home page.  The owner had died leaving a cocker spaniel named Mocha with no one to care for her.  She was brought in to a veterinarian to be put to sleep.  Reading her story motivated me to learn WordPress and update our home page.  It’s weeks later and I completely forgot to add Mocha’s story.  I have no idea of her fate.

Mocha: In need of help in Aurora, Nebraska

If you do contact me about a cocker in need, please include as much information as possible especially and contact email or phone number to be included with your story.  Also, social networks like facebook and Twitter are a great way to spread news fast.

All-in-one dog app

“I wanted to create an app my dog would want me to download” says My Dog creator Holger Laufenberg. My Dog allows you to create and share your dog’s profile including veterinary records. Simply email your My Dog profile to anyone caring for your dog (i.e. groomer, vet, boarding kennel). My Dog also searches your area for pet-friendly hotels, dog parks or pet services.

My Dog Screen Shot
My Dog Screen Shot

My Dog is currently available on Apple’s App Store. Current rating is 3 out of 5 stars. Hopefully a Droid app is in the works. 🙂

Indiana: Cocker thrown from car

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Authorities are looking for an older model army green four door sedan with vinyl top. Two men were seen throwing a cocker spaniel from highway 135 then turned the car around to hit it. The 1-2 year old cocker spaniel suffered severe injuries including a crushed pelvis. The next 72 hours are critical for her survival. Harrison County Animal control is accepting donation for “Sandy’s” veterinary treatment. Call them at (812) 267-5636

UPDATE: A Mr. Austin? at the Harrison County Animal Control let me know that “Bambi” is expected to make a full recovery–She has been renamed again. He says phone calls have been coming in all day for Bambi. Bambi is being treated at the Louisville Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Services. A fund has been started by The Shamrock Foundation. Donations can be sent to the following address:

Shamrock Arrow Fund
PO Box 24033
Louisville KY 40224-0033

Update 3/22/2011:  WHAS11 in Kentucky is reporting Bambi is doing well after surgery.  She had one plate and six screws attached to her pelvic bone.