I’ve been buying Hoshi’s chicken thighs at Whole Foods because of their quality. I just noticed the packaging now says “organic.” I’ve been looking for organic chicken thighs for a while so it was a pleasant surprise. It costs a dollar more per pound. They also carry the whole chicken (organic) but I don’t know how to cut it.
Author: Manuel Villanueva
Hoshi’s finally better
It took 2 months for Hoshi to recover from the bordetella vaccine he had the end of May. It worried me. Maybe he shouldn’t have received it.
Hoshi’s bath day
I gave Hoshi a bath last night because his feet and face were dirty from our walks. I tried my best to trim him but he wasn’t cooperative last night. Trimmed his butt, face and paws. His hair is so soft and fluffy after a bath. I found one flea on him but he’s not due for Frontline again until the end of the month.
Hoshi snorting today
It’s day 6 following Hoshi’s bordetella vaccine. I googled the side effects which includes cough and nasal discharge 3-10 days following vaccination. He’s snorting once in a while. I hope it clears up by Thursday. He’s never been vaccinated for this before.
Bath night!
I gave Hoshi a bath and trim last night for his first day at a boarding service. I want to make a good impression. No fleas. He didn’t let me finish his trim. Both of us were too tired.
This will be his first week at a boarding service. I hope they treat him right. If everything goes well, Hoshi will be going every evening while I’m at work.