Christmas card exchange: My Cocker Spaniel Forum 2010
Author: Manuel Villanueva
Is Fido suffering from fleas or bed bugs?
Most likely, if Fido is being bit by bedbugs then so are you. Bedbugs feed off of humans although all mammals and birds can be targets. Transients such as homeless people are the source of bedbugs.
Do bed bugs live on pets? No. They live inside your home where they hide in cracks and crevices. They may also hide under your pet’s bed.
Is Frontline or Advantage effective for treating bedbugs? No. Use only products specifically formulated for bedbug treatment. As far as pet products, a quick search of Foster & Smith and Petedge turned up nothing.
Can I test my home for bedbugs? Yes. There are commercially available products (Climbup Insect Interceptor) on Amazon that can test your home for bedbugs.
Signs of infestation:
- Seeing bedbugs
- Host (i.e. pet, human) has bites usually along the trunk. Sometimes there is a pattern of 3 bites in a row. Bedbugs have trouble moving through pet hair so look for bites on the belly and groin where hair is sparse.
- Areas with bedbugs have a sickly sweet smell (i.e. motel room).
For more information on bedbugs and your pets see the AVMA FAQ page.
- Biology of bedbugs:….040306.133913 - Can bed bugs bite my pet? - Frequently Asked Questions by Pet Owners about Bed Bugs and Pets - Infestation and Dispersal in a High-Rise Apartment Building:….infestationanddispersal.pdf - Products to treat bedbugs:
Well-bred vs. Healthy
- Definition: well-bred
- having or displaying good breeding
- having a good pedigree
You might hear the term well-bred used in dog discussions; often concerning a dog’s appearance. I think the writer means the dog does not conform to breed standards or is a poor example of breed standards. Well-bred in this case has nothing to do with the health of the dog. Hereditary does play a factor in health but this is not what the writer is getting at.
I finally walked Hoshi!
I haven’t walked Hoshi since August. This morning my foot wasn’t feeling too bad so I walked Hoshi to the corner–not far but better than nothing. I’ll try to walk him every day now.
Greeting police with your dog
Just about every day I read on Google how a family pet has been shot by police. The usual scenario is police are responding to a call at someone’s home. The dog is seen as a threat then shot. The first thing I would do is secure your dog as soon as possible when you know police are coming. You may think your dog is friendly and not a threat but the officer responding may not feel that way. It doesn’t matter how friendly your dog is if they suddenly jump at the officer from out of nowhere. If you are unable to secure your dog please let the officer know your have a dog(s)–at least they won’t be caught off guard. Act as calm as possible with addressing the officer. If you’re excited or anxious both your dog and the officer may become excited as well–you want to prevent that as much as possible. Take an obedience class if you haven’t already. If you demonstrate control over your dog a confrontation will be less likely.
Your pet may encounter police elsewhere. Many times dogs are shot when loose outside. It’s your responsibility to restrain your dog at all times. Also, secure your pet when traveling by automobile. Your police encounter will go much smoother and you’ll prevent your pet from escaping if the doors are open. Please feel free to add your suggestions.