Author: Manuel Villanueva
2nd generation Aibo released in Japan
Owning a dog costs about $1,300 a year. That doesn’t account for any medical emergencies, special diets or medications. If you want to own a dog but can’t afford one or don’t have time to care for one, consider the new Sony aibo. The aibo costs around $1,800 dollars and behaves like a dog. It’s a perfect gift for children.
Hoshi had a bath yesterday
Hoshi smelled terrible after getting wet in the rain so it was bath time. No fleas this time. Hoshi cooperated more than usual and I shaved his front legs (as much as he would allow). I took care of the basics including face, rear, and paws.
We came back from our walk this morning and his feet were black as coal from all the dirt he walked through so I washed them. Good as new!
Hoshi at Huroc Park, Flatrock, MI
We stopped at Huroc Park and took pictures on a cloudy day (April 18, 2018).
Tracking Hoshi’s walks with an app
I started using RunKeeper to keep track of Hoshi’s walks. We’re walking anyways so might as well record them. I do confess the app encourages to do more since it’s being recorded. It’s sort of fun looking at our routes and stats.
This can’t be April
— manuel villanueva (@ManuelRN) April 17, 2018