I ran my butt off!

No one told me dog obedience class required physical endurance. 😛 I was out of breath and sweating at the end of class. Today’s class went very well. There weren’t as many people in our class this time. I think the first class had people from both morning and evening classes together. There were maybe 5 of us. We met Marcella Mutsulavish, our instructor and her shelties for the first time. Charlie? filled in for her while she was on vacation. Marcella is very nice and down to earth. 🙂 We reviewed what we learned last week and she passed out copies: You Are The Top Dog, Body Language, and Crate Training as well as our 5 week syllabus. We practiced heeling running along the ring. I had to stoop over to reach Hoshi and bait him with a treat as he ran to keep him in the proper heel position. Marcella said Hoshi was doing wonderful. He did look impressive although it took a lot of endurance on my part. I think this class was more of a review and reinforcement on week 1.