Hoshi’s 1st obedience class

It seemed all too quick for me. Hoshi’s taking Beginner Obedience at the Sportsmen’s Dog Training Club of Detroit. Here are the commands we learned today:

  1. Sit
  2. Lay
    • Lay – stepping on the leash
  3. Come
  4. Heel
  5. Stand

Our class is about 6 people. Hoshi is the smallest dog in the class. The toughest was getting Hoshi to lay. Hoshi wouldn’t do it on his own. I had to force* in a lying position It looks like I’ll be doing lots of practice at home. I checked out a few books at the library to look at.

*The instructor said persuading wasn’t going to work so I had to put Hoshi in a laying position.

An evening at the park

I took Gabby and Hoshi to the park. I’d like to take them to the beach except the closest dog friendly beaches I know of are on the opposite side of Michigan. I’m planning a trip to Benton Harbor area which is a 3 hour drive.

I haven’t perfected STOP yet. I’m too out of shape to chase dogs anymore. Hoshi, you little rascal! Speaking of which, Hoshi starts his obedience class Wednesday.

Hoshi loves sprinklers too

I was walking Gabby and Hoshi this even when we came across a business with sprinklers going. Hoshi went after them just like Gabby used to. I wonder if all dogs love sprinklers? Hoshi was soaked!

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Hoshi Defanged!

Hoshi's Canine
Hoshi’s Canine
I was looking on the counter this morning when I saw a tooth. My mom found it somewhere in the house. I looked in Hoshi’s mouth and both canines were missing. I won’t miss them. Those baby teeth were sharp!

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A Cocker Lover’s Tribute

I don’t know who JDWolverton is. I do know he loved his cocker spaniel because he wrote about her passing. I’ve read many cocker spaniel tributes over the years. I really liked this one. It’s not about feeling of sadness: It’s a reflection of her life and fond memories. I’m happy to have glimpsed into Woozle’s life. 🙂

Daily Kos: I Miss My Woozle