Cocker Spaniel of the Month Contestants

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Marlie: 27.78%

Peejhey: 28.57%

Portia: 43.65%

Total Votes: 126

Name Her Magesty Marlena Miller
Breed American Cocker Spaniel
Sex female
Age 6 months
Location Phoenix, AZ

Marlie's Info

Marlie is a wonderful part of my family's life. She even does chores. She helps mop the floors, pick up toys, and even wakes the family up in the morning. 5 a.m. no matter what. She is looking forward to her first vacation this year (to Florida).

Dawn Miller (owner) 

Name Peejhey 
Breed American Cocker Spaniel
Sex male
Age 3 months
Location Las Angeles, CA
Owners Mayvenne & Emmanuel
Peejhey's Info

my fiance' bought me this cuTie when he was 2 months old...Peejhey is the most adorable and precious thing to us... HE'S OUR BABY BOY! he loves to cuddle a lot, he's very friendly with people, and loves to play, swin and take pictures He's here to say hi to all his cocker friends and to all the dog loVers!!! 

Name Portia 
Breed American Cocker Spaniel
Sex female
Age 8 years old
Location Port Hueneme, CA

Portia's Info

I am the luckiest person in the world to have this devoted, lovable little girl. She is truly a person. She brightened every moment I had while I was going through a horrible divorce. Never once did I get depressed with her around. She comes with me everywhere, to every persons house I may visit, and she is most welcomed. I don't have children, so everyone knows that Portia is my child. She understands everything, every emotion, every word.....I cannot imagine life without her.... 


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