Name |
Ellie |
Breed |
American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex |
female |
Age |
9 months |
Location |
Dallas, TX (US) |
Ellie's Info Ellie was born on
Easter of this year and came home to us in May. She is a bundle of energy
and never stops! She is constantly squeaking a toy, getting into something
she is not supposed to or playing with her beagle sister. She discovered
water when she was only five months old and goes straight for it whether
it is her water bowl, a small pond, or a lake. She gets right in there
with hundred pound labs and fetches gigantic sticks. She is such a joy in
our lives! 
Name |
Duce |
Breed |
American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex |
male |
Age |
13 years |
Location |
Montgomery, AL (US) |
Duce's Profile
Duce is what I would call my angle dog. He adopted me when I was
recovering from a illness which left me paralyzed. When I got Duce who
happened to be a Christmas present from on of my nurses in the hospital I
was not too sure of what I was getting into since I had never had a dog
and was having enough trouble trying to take care of myself. My nurse
convinced me to give it a chance and needless to say he has been with me
ever since. Duce even tough he is 13 still acts like a young whipper
snapper. He loves to chase after his tennis balls and play with his
squeeky toys. He is definately a snuggler and if he is not allowed to
sleep in the bed at night he gets a little upset. All I can say about Duce
is that I truly believe that he was my little angle because without having
to take care of him I don't think I would have made the recovery that I
Name |
Spencer |
Breed |
American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex |
male |
Age |
3year |
Location |
Montgomery, AL (US) |
Spencer's Info
Spencer is a rescue dog that I got when was about 4 months old. He is a
total clown and you never know what he will do next. He acts like he is a
big dog but go Boo and he goes running. He is what I call my laughing dog
since he is always making me laugh. He loves to play with his tennis balls
and squeeky toys. In fact every time a toy is brought into the house he
always thinks it is his forgetting the fact that he has a big brother and
sister. He will chase after his ball not paying attention run smack into
the wall and then look at me like "who put that there!!" I can
only say that he has brought a lot smiles into my life and he is loved
Name |
Brandi Amber |
Breed |
American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex |
female |
Age |
10 years |
Location |
Cambridge, ON (CA) |
Brandi's Info
She came to us from a breeder near our home in Cambridge, Ontario
Canada. Brandi is quite a lady and loves new collars, clothes and
especially stuffed toys. We just love her.
Name |
Starr |
Breed |
American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex |
female |
Age |
11 months |
Location |
San Antonio, TX (US) |
Starr's Info
My little American Cocker Spaniels' name is Starr. We got her last
March after my boyfriend had a heart attack. She helped him get better,she
is so playful and always has been. After he got better she was about 2
months old and suddenly started having seizures. We found out she had
distemper, the hospital vet said to put her to sleep but there was no way,
she was already a big part of our family. We took her to another vet who
helped her. For months she couldn't even walk, but she always wagged her
tail and was very happy. In about August she slowly started to walk and
now she runs, plays, jumps and is the most playful wonderful puppy ever.
She is and always will be our little angel.
Name |
Sammy |
Breed |
Cocker Spaniel |
Sex |
male |
Age |
1 year |
Location |
Buffalo Grove, IL (US) |
Sammy's Info
My dog's name is Sammy He is a cocker spaniel. He's a male about a year
in a half. . He lives in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. He's so cute with
freckles. and has a great personality. He likes squirrels.
Name |
Spencer |
Breed |
American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex |
male |
Age |
2 years |
Location |
Bronx, NY (US) |
Spencer's Info
He was not adopted but rescued from a pet store window. When we first
saw him, he was belly up in the middle of a very deep nap and we fell in
love. He's totally a member of our family, but he has to be reminded every
so often that he's not human. We love him so even though he piddles every
time a new visitor comes to greet him. We have to say "Ignore
Spencer, we know he's cute but he'll wet your shoes if you greet
him". What can I say, he's here to stay even though I vowed never to
have a dog in my house. He has my heart forever! I can't imagine life
without him. Just look at that face! Who could resist. Maritza. 