Remembering Sprite Web Ring


Dedicated to the memory of a cocker spaniel named Sprite who life ended needlessly.  Help spread the word.  Lethal force is not the answer to every solution.  Sprite would be alive today if police officers received proper training and education in dog behavior training.

Do you or your doggie have a web page?  Show your support for police officer training in dog behavior.  Join the Remembering Sprite Web Ring.  Don't let this happen again.

Want to make changes to your profile? Use your site administration panel.

How to add the web ring navigation bar to your site:

  1. Use the site administration panel.

  2. Click "Get Code"

  1. Copy and paste the code found the the text box.

  1. Paste the code into your web page.

Your more than welcome to change the appearance of the navigation banner.  Visit MyCockerSpaniel WebRing for more information.

Add a Sprite Banner

You may also add this banner to your website as well.

Just click the highlight button below then copy and paste this code into your web site:

Add a Sprite Brochure & Flyer

Let your visitors download and print a brochure and flyer that inform the public about Sprite's tragic death and how it could have been prevented.


Sprite Brochure.pdf 260K

Download free

Sprite Flyer.pdf 365K

Instructions for the flyer:  fold and crease the bottom of the flyer along the dotted red line.  This is to make the tabs easier to pull of and not rip the rest of the flyer.  Next, use a pair of scissors and cut along the black lines to make tabs that can be pulled off.

Instructions for brochure: this is a two-sided document set your printer to print front and back.  Next fold the brochure along the dotted red lines.

Post the flyer/brochure in a prominent location (i.e. community center, library, store, Laundromat).  Many places have bulletin boards for the community to place advertisements such as this.  Tack the flyer down well so it won't be pulled down when someone grabs a tab.

