How hard is it to let one go on


Well-Known Member
Owned by
2 cockers
I have one little Monte P. Kibbles n Bits way past his prime. He has a huge tumor taking over his little poop-chute. Vet said 2 weeks ago, "let's keep him comfortable" as he gave him another round of shots and a new tag to comply with our County requirements. I bought another year's worth of heartworm pills that he won't need. The tumor is growing incredibly fast and he's in didees now. He doesn't seem to be in pain, eating and pooping but the poop is getting skinnier and skinnier. Eventually he's not gonna be able to poop at all as the tumor is right there. I've made that decision for a few others but Monte P is different. He's a rescue who spent many years in various rescues before he came to me as a BOGO when I adopted Mozart. He's never given kisses but now he loves to be cuddled. Today he got a bath. Next week I think he's gonna get brushed and spiffed. The next week...well I need to let him go before he hurts. He limps a bit now and is turning down treats. I cannot imagine a week-end with a pooch screaming in pain and no way to help him move on.
Both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers prayers. I know it's really hard to be at this point. These little cockers become so important in our lives and I am sure you have done everything you can to make him happy and have a good life.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Give little Monte a hug for me.
Years ago I worked for a wonderful vet who kindly told me that he knew on his own dogs by quality of life. It makes total sense but doesn't make it any easier. 18 years of age is awesome though and speaks loudly of your love and commitment. My best to you both.
Sharon remember what Linny always says.. Keep in mind the 3 things that he loves to do the most and when he can no longer do them, then, it's time.
I love this...I can't think of a more perfect to describe it. I'm so sorry you are being faced with this decision Sharon :(
I also agree with what Linny told Polly. It's never easy to make this decision, but I try to think of the well-being of the dog.
I am so sorry, it is so difficult to have to make this decision. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
It made me cry reading your post Sab because just 2 weeks ago we too had to make that decision for one of my dogs.

Before I had cockers I had a Yorkshire terrier, my dogs have always been 'family' to us and my Yorkie had heart problems. He was an old boy and one day we just knew he wasn't well, we saw the suffering in his eyes. We had to carry him into the garden so he 'go to the toilet' so to say and he just curled up in his bed. My husband and I had a long talk and we decided the kindest thing we could do for our fur baby was to let him go. My husband took him to the vet only to return with the dog and and a bag full of medication and a big smile on his face telling him the vet said he had a leaky heart but the medication would help. I knew the vet had seen the vulnerability of my husband with the attachment he had with the dog and let him leave with a very ill dog and £70 in the vets pocket. That night my poor angel died suffering in my arms. It was one of the worst things ive ever been through and I promised myself I would never let this happen again to any of my pets.

My Cocker had developed secondary epilepsy and I saw that same look in his eyes and knew it was his time. We, as a family said our last goodbyes to him and my brave husband took him to the vets. I won't lie, it's one of the hardest things you'll have to do, but it's also one of the kindest too. My beautiful went to sleep with dignity. His ashes are now at home with us and although we miss his so, so much, we know that he left us in peace and didn't have to go through any more of the suffering - it WAS the right decision.

You know your little Monte better than anyone else Sab, you'll know when it's time and after all the love and devotion he's given to you, when it's his time....the best gift you could give him in return for all of that is 'peace'.

This is only my opinion though Sab, you'll know what's best for Monte and what you feel is right for him when his time comes.

My thoughts and prayers are with you Sab, I know how hard this must be for you right now (((hugs)))
I know that Sharon will be back when she is feeling better. She let Monte go I think last week. :heart::brokenheart:

Monte P. Kibbles n Bits passed away 3/13. His kidneys shut down and my little man quit eating. He spent the last weeks of his life in my arms which was very unusual for my little boy. It hurt horribly to let him go on but it was truly time. His ashes are back in a gorgeous container. My other boys keep looking for him but they have really short memories so long as they get to get treats and sleep in my arms