My Cocker Spaniel Memorial Archive
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American Cocker Spaniel
April 19, 1991 - August 23, 2004
"Baby" was our loyal companion, fierce protector and best friend for the last thirteen years. She traveled with us all over the world and gave us love and laughs daily. Cancer weakened her body but it did not take her spirit. Our last night with her, she "nuzzled" us, wagged her tail and gave us kisses. You are forever in our hearts.
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February 1998 - September 19, 2005
Bailey was , as near as we can tell, an American Cocker Spaniel mix. We got Bailey from a backyard breeder. My wife and I had only been married 6 months and he was our first child. He was a loyal companion to us, our daughter Samantha, and Amber, the cat we acquired from a shelter two years ago. Each night, we would help Bailey onto Sammi's bed (it was too high for him to jump) and he would lay down and enjoy a bedtime story. He was never in super health, constantly battling ear and skin infections, but soldiered through it all. On a Sunday night, he started acting sick. It was a quick downward spiral, and a week later, we let him go. I wrote the following eulogy for him:
Today, September 19, 2005, at approximately 8:30 AM, Bailey passed away.
He only lived 7 1/2 years.
He left us long before we expected.
At the end, he passed peacefully,
Surrounded by his family.
On his collar was a tag. It read " My name is Bailey. I belong to the Barbers" In reality, we belonged to him.
He was just a dog.
He wasn't a purebred.
He couldn't do any tricks.
There was nothing "special" about Bailey, But he was special to us.
We loved him very much,
And we shall miss him.
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1997 to 2006
When she came to me it took me a long time to let her into my heart because I was grieving the loss of my last cocker. But this pup came running to out of a litter of all boys. When I went to pick her out of the litter my only request was to get a girl. The owner laughed and said she was my only option! So I took her home. Physically she came into my life but not emotionally yet. But it was soon to be. She insisted. And not only did she enter my heart, but the hearts of my entire families hearts.
Her name means "Protector". And she fit that well. When she was with her daddy, she was happy go lucky and loved every one and every dog. But when she was with her mommy (me) she was my protector. No one(man nor beast) dared to come near her mommy. She had no fear and she would attack huge dogs.
She went through some hard times in my life. There by my side through teenagers, empty nests, as I sent my sons' off to war she was up all night with me as I paced the floor during the Iraq war, through health problems, through boomerang adult children returning home-changed from before they left,.
Then I had to make the decision to let her go. She was in such pain from patella luxation. And she was unable to go do the things she loved to do with us. The day we had to leave her home while we went hiking broke my heart. I knew it was time to say good bye to my old friend. Our time together had come to an end.
On the day we laid her to rest, my husband and I went with her. My two sons dug her grave and we were all there to bury her. We were all crying as we each said good byes.
As I whispered in her ear to wait for mommy, I knew she would, and I would be able to find her on that old dusty road leading to heaven. And we would enter together to be together always.
Until that time, I will miss you my sweet baby.
Deb Rapid City, SD
Barkley was born May 15, 1992 and passed away on October 2, 2003. She was a beautiful black and white parti-colored cocker with a lot of spunk and personality. You couldn't ask for a more sweet and wonderful dog. We love her and miss her so much.
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March 26, 1991- January 24, 2006.
God thank you for lending me one of your little angels, He brought a lot of love and happiness during his short stay. Barley you will be missed very much, Until we meet again my friend.
Love You,
Born on May 11, 1991 and passed away on April 14, 2003 due to cancer.
Bo, as I called him, was the very first dog that I have owned by myself. We always had dogs when I was growing up, but they never were my sole responsibility until him. My best friend was moving from South Carolina to Louisiana and couldn't take him with her. At first I didn't want a dog, but I couldn't see sending him to the pound and hoping someone would adopt him, so I brought him home. That was the best decision I have ever made! He was 3 at the time and not trained. I have a fenced yard and luckily a pet door that was already here. Once he found out how to use it, he was always going in and out.
Bo also had seizures and had to have fish line put in his knee. It was just within the last month that I found out he had cancer. He had prostrate cancer which had metastasized to his lungs. He wasn't jumping and was having a hard time getting comfortable and breathing. I had to make the hardest decision of my life. No, I didn't want to let him go, but neither could I watch him suffer any more. I had him put to sleep. I know in my heart that it was the right decision, but try telling my heart that when it's broken. He was and always will be my baby.
Jill @ South Carolina
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She was an American Cocker Spaniel, red. We lost her at the age of 8 from congestive heart failure.
We also owned her full brother, Bogey, from the same litter.
Birdie's personality was everything that her name implies. Extremely flighty, but unbelievably affectionate. What a shocker when we lost her quite unexpectedly.
Juanita E. Duell (aka duell280zx)
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October 1992- August 8, 2005
Boomer, his name said it all. Each day I would come home he would make me laugh just by looking at him. He was my first dog I had on my own. He would sleep on my head and it did not bother me in the least, in fact when I got married and he had to start sleeping on the floor it was a big adjustment for both of us. I'll never forget the day I got out of the shower and came into the kitchen only to find Boomer on the table eating a whole pot of Chex Mix my wife had just made. He didn't even flinch and all I could do was laugh at him. He had a stomach of steel, could and would eat anything. Boomer started slowing down over the last year, but was still in great health and spirit as long as he could have his daily naps on the front lawn. He was accidentally ran over in our driveway, but survived. I rushed him to the 24 hour emergency vet clinic where they took xrays. I knew once I saw the pictures what I was going to have to do. I just held on to him and scratched his ears for about an hour. They gave him the injection and I told him thank you for being Boomer and my best friend, then he went to sleep. I can't imagine how I will get over him being gone. There will never be another Boomer; just look at his picture. "Boomer" says it all.
I miss and love you buddy.
My cocker spaniel's name was Brandi. I bought her from a pet shop in Arcadia, California, sometime in 1980. She died in 1990. Up to today, I still cannot talk about Brandi without a tear in my eyes. She was, and will forever, be exceptionally special to me.
She was brown in colour, and quite small for its breed. She was around 20 pounds. She's got beautiful big eyes, and terribly intelligent. She understood me inside out. She knew when I was happy, and when I was sad. Every night, she slept with me, and I had to sleep in a certain position to please her. Unfortunately, the position was very uncomfortable for me, but she liked it.
Unfortunately, I was not there when she died. By then, I have moved back to Hong Kong, and Brandi was left with my sister who lived in U.S. Thanks to her, Brandi died peacefully, with family at her side. When I first moved back to Hong Kong, I was very keen to take Brandi back with me, but she was already sick (she had heart murmur, and she had it from the day we bought her) and I doubt that she could survive the 6 months' quarantine period in Hong Kong.
Up to now, I still have dreams about Brandi. Actually, I used to have lots of dreams about her. Until one night, I dreamt that she was biting my arm (I felt no pain), and she "told" me, "I shall never ever let you go". After that, I did not dream of her for a long while. Then one night, I dreamt about her again. I was on top of a mountain, and she was on top of another mountain. When she saw me, she practically flew down her mountain and up mine to be with me. I knelt down and picked her up, saying, "Silly Brandi, you don't have to run, I'll always be here for you".
Yes, I will always be here for you, Brandi. And I will never ever forget you. And if there is another world after life, I am no longer afraid of going there. I know that Brandi will be there waiting for me.
Raymond Li
Brandi Jo
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March 17, 1989 - March 13, 2003
Brandi Jo came to live with us in October of 1990. She was seven months old. We were a cat family and had never had a dog! Imagine our surprise to get an American Cocker who would change our lives.
Brandi, basically, ran the show. She was the queen of the house, and loved attention. Nobody could pout like her! She loved to walk up until her last year. She liked to go to the dog park, but only to "watch" the other dogs. She was kind of stuck up when it came to other dogs.
I am including this picture of her because this is what I miss; her little face peeking in the window asking to come back inside. She's holding a bone in her mouth and knows she can't bring it inside. But she always tried.
She developed lymphoma October of 2002, and being fifteen, she couldn't go through chemo. Hence, we just tried to live our lives and hers as normally as possible. Everyday was a countdown. It's just not fair to have to make the decision to end a beloved animal's life. Day after day, we would wait. Finally, her breathing grew difficult and we just decided it was time.
I ran out of the vet's office unable to watch her take her final breath. I'm still hurting with her loss. She was my "Brandi Girl," my "Missy-lou," and I miss her everyday. My one comfort is I got her from my mom, and mom died of cancer, and now I know mom is watching over Brandi in Heaven.
Debra Twardowski
AKA DDThomas
Romance Writer
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Brew was also known as Brewsie, Fatboy, Pumpkin Pie was the sunshine in my life. I got Brew 5 days before I met my husband. I was taking care of Brew's sister Kerry, who was supposed to go to my Grandma to comfort her. I wanted to keep Kerry, but my parent's told me Kerry was for my Grandma. I went to the pet store and brought Brew home, and didn't tell them. It took them around a day before they realized I had two puppies in my room in the basement and not one. I was told that I had better find a home for the second spaniel before the weekend was up. I would have none of that, and made the decision to move out with Brewsie. That evening my father was in the back yard playing with the dog calling him Snookie and I knew secretly he had fallen, as had I, and I was keeping him. Brewsie was here to stay.
My husband, Brew and I have all been together ever since. Brew loved carrots, oranges and peanut butter. My husband said Brew and I were like Peanut Butter & Jelly. Two peas in a pod, and always together. Brew would lie beside my side of the bed, he would snort and run around the room when he wanted me to get out of bed. He loved lying on the cool grass, was a great comfort and companion. His life included living in 6 different homes. He was well traveled and loved going for car rides. When he was a small puppy I used to let him sit in my lap while I was driving to the high school where I would run laps around the track. He would run laps around the football field chasing rabbits. On one holiday, my husband and I rented a cabin in the Shuswap Lakes in British Columbia. We decided to go for a canoe trip across the lake and had tied Brewsie to the grass by the dock so he could enjoy the beautiful scenery. We get across the lake and he starts barking and howling from our cabin. We rowed all the way back, put him in the canoe, he just wanted to be with us. Brew was a very strong willed dog. He was full of personality and refused to get his bottom wet and insisted he had to sit on the seats with us. He was like a captain of our canoe. I will always remember that. He just wanted to be with me. Where ever I went he wanted to be.
Towards the later years Brewsie's eyesight ended up getting worse, but his sniffer never failed him. Brewsie had both knees rebuilt, countless surgeries and had strange growths all over him, but he was the most beautiful and amazingly gorgeous cocker spaniel I have ever seen. He was a fighter, and outlived even the vets expectations. I know it was all the love we gave him, he returned the love to us in countless ways. I was only 19 when I got him, and am now 34. He was always there to greet me with his sparkling brown eyes, and wagging tail. When he was truly happy he would let out a happy howl, and wiggle like crazy. He lived to be almost 16 years old and with great sadness, my beloved cocker spaniel of almost 16 years, Brewsie passed away on May 19th at 3:30am. That morning he woke up and I carried him down the stairs from our bedroom to the main floor and he could not stand up. He couldn't reach his food bowl, or his water bowl. With much agony I watched him for four hours, and then took him outside to go potty. He went to the bathroom several times that day, drank water, and ended up eating some food when I held it in my hand. I wanted to believe that our vet would put him on some medicine and he would be fine. That afternoon after I had stepped out to get him his painkillers, I knew the end was near, but I wasn't ready. When I got home, the pain in his eyes told me everything. I started bargaining with God for just a little more time. I was not ready, I did not want to live without Brewsie in my world. That evening my husband and I made the heart wrenching decision to help him on his way.
Brewsie I love you, I could not bear to see you in that kind of pain any longer. Brewsie, the joy you brought to my life was amazing. Every day I looked forward to your brown sparkling eyes, and wagging tail greeting me at the door. I thank you for all you gave me. You will be loved and remembered always. Our house is not a home without you. Everywhere I look I am reminded of a moment we had together. My comfort is knowing that you are no longer in pain. Whenever I see a rainbow I know that you are in heaven with all the beautiful animals. I will see you there one day, as I know you will be waiting for me with your doggy family, and my childhood pets Maggie my Springer Spaniel, and cats Tiger, Smokey and Ginger.
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October 16, 1998 to October 31, 2006
After four days of treatment in the animal hospital's ICU and $3,200 for treatment and diagnostics, my wife and I decided to bring Bristol home today so that he could enjoy a few last hours in familiar and comfortable surroundings. We spent six hours talking to him, petting him, and just watching him while he mostly slept due to the weakness brought about by his lymphoma.
He hadn't eaten in the past six days and wouldn't drink either, so the animal hospital stabilized him as much as possible through an I.V. However, when we brought him home, he immediately got a burst of energy and ran down towards the brook in our backyard that he's always loved drinking from and drank from it like everything was normal. He did this three times today, including the moment just before we loaded him up in the car and brought him to the vet to be put to sleep.
As usual, the brook had been dry since late spring and only began flowing again after the big rain storm hit here in the Northeast on Friday, the day before Bristol was diagnosed with the disease. I'd like to think that the fact that the brook only began flowing again after months of being dry was somehow meant to be a comfort to Bristol and maybe a sign that it was his time.
My dear Brittany passed on December 29, 2003. She was one of a kind. She was there for me in the good times and the bad times. She was 15 years and one month old when she went home to Abby. Abby was my other cocker spaniel who passed on December 26, 1997. My girls were very dear to me. I miss Abby and Brittany so very much. Life was so much better with my girls in my life. I know some day when my time comes I will see Abby and Brittany again.
I have a male cocker spaniel named Corey. I was told by his veterinarian last August Corey has one year left. Corey is just 7 years old. I want to help him so much.
Brouno was born on Dec 20 1990 and lived glorious 15 years. on April 1 2005, he slept and never woke up. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. Born in Russian, we bought him from the scra market in Warsaw in Mar 1991. From that time on he was with us through thick and thin. He traveled with us to Delhi... nasik... srinagar... pune and finally rests on the banks of river Tungabadra in a city called Kurnool in India. Never did he ever snap at anyone. Any one who met him could believe in the proverb of love at first sight!!! For my family and me he is and will always be our first love...
He loved playing with socks and could never miss the front seat of the car to enjoy the air conditioner. Probably the only one who could accompany my dad to the Indian Embassy day on day. Probably the only member of the family who flew on a chartered plane or enjoyed every moment of love from us. In the last few years he had grown frail but the man had his dignity. He would never let anyone pick him up even if he couldn't climb the bed or if he rolled down the stair each day. Brouno had 6 children and Elsa(ya she was the one). So many days ago yet his memories are so close. Once we fought and I guess since I was the elder one I hit him. This was in 1994. Some years later in 1996 he suffered his first stroke. and I begged before god to forgive my sin. I begged before him while he lay limp on the doctors table promising him I would never even raise my voice on him... if only he gave me a chance. And he did. from that day on he was the first son of the house and I rather we all followed him around.
What did he eat? He loved non veg... cubasas and ham. Quite fussy in his diet he loved to eat alone and in complete style. He never picked up a dropped biscuit.
What did I learn from him? To love... to love without reason... to be there for anyone who needed me with out conditions and clauses. To be a king of my own world and to cuddle when someone needed it.
Love him...
Kanishka Misal
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Born - January 18, 1989
Passed Away - November 20, 2001
Buddy was an American Cocker Spaniel who warmed his way into our hearts. He was my first "child". Our children came after him. Buddy was with us for 12 years before he passed of Kidney failure. Whenever we see a cat on our wall, we will remember Buddy and the way the cats would torment him because he could never get as high as them, although he tried many times. Buddy will always be our first "child" and our only boy. - You are greatly missed.
My 9 year old Cocker Spaniel Buffy passed away Thursday Morning, March 10 2005 from acute lymphoma. She was only noticeably sick for two days and her passing has left a void in my life that has not even begun to fill. She came into my life at age 7 months from the SPCA in Houston TX where I was living at the time. I needed to get a dog to stay with my then 11-year-old daughter as I was a single parent and on the road a lot during the afternoons. I never suspected what a supreme, beautiful soul I was getting when I took her home that first day. (and she promptly chewed the rear off one of my new 25 dollar sandals..) She was literally at my side for the past 10 years (she died 5 days short of her tenth birthday) and life has not been the same since March 10. I have to stop here because this is honestly too painful to continue, but I just wanted whoever reads this to know that my Buffy girl was (along with my daughter) the absolute light of my life and there will probably never be another...
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06/26/1990 - 07/04/2005
I had to put to sleep my best friend. He was so old and miserable, blind, and weakened from cancer. I still remember the day he came into my life. My mother bought him from San Jose for a pet for her. She called him sundance because that is what his akc papers named him. However, he had other plans. The moment he came running into the house and I saw him and he saw me that was it we were going to be life long friends. I was only 21 and chasing girls which when I brought home one he would always jump in between us.
I lost him once when he was three and for three days I took off work and passed out flyers until someone answered and returned him. When he was five I went to law school and he stayed with my grandmother for a year but I missed him so much I came and picked him up to stay with me.
He was struck by a car at the age of 6 and recovered after a few weeks of pain. At 10 he was kidnapped and luckily my neighbor got the license plate # and I tracked him down.
At thirteen he brought my wife a ring which he wore around his neck when I asked my wife to marry me. He was old and he was tired and I asked him just to wait for a little while longer until I had a child.
Buster, my best friend lived 15 years in my life and I am so much richer for having him there through the heart ache and happiness of my life. I Love you and my heart breaks so much when I think of you not at my feet at night, but thank you for your service. Next week my daughter Elizabeth will be born and When she asks about the little rose wood urn on the mantel of the fireplace, I can not wait to tell her the story of your life.
Thank you for your life and thank you for waiting as long as you did for me.
I Love you and I know that you are at peace. Running like you use too, playing with me in my heart. "My bubba head," "my buster", my puppy, I will never let you out of my heart . Good-bye until we meet again.
Forever with love,
Your best friend
Paul Adams
May 29, 1985 to August 13, 2005
Buster died of congestive heart failure. We took him to an emergency vet at 2:30 in the morning. I stayed with him til the end. He was my best friend and I will miss him terribly. I will always have fond memories of him. God bless him, may he rest in peace.
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Buster was originally a gift for my wife, but he quickly became a gift that everyone in our family could enjoy—especially me and my wife. Buster was just a baby when we got him in 1997, and he was the cutest little cocker puppy I had ever seen. We raised him as if he was our own son, and without a doubt he was truly our first child.
We loved to buy him toys and give him treats, but his favorite toy was his rubber bone. He took the bone on almost every walk, and he strutted with such pride when he had it. He even learned how to bark while holding the bone in his mouth. Everyone in the neighborhood who saw us walking knew he was our precious baby.
Whenever we came home, he met us faithfully—every time. Even when he was tired or not feeling well, he'd greet us. He would wag his tail and wrap himself around our legs, all of us exchanging kisses. My wife and I competed for this "homecoming" attention, offering him belly rubs and ear massages. He was certainly the life of our home.
Of course he slept with us every night, in between us, giving us both an opportunity to love him and pet him to sleep. He loved sleeping on our bed, and when he couldn't sleep he'd whimper until one of us came to tuck him in. So naturally, when we went to bed, if he wasn't with us, we couldn't sleep; we needed our little Buster to help "tuck us in" to sleep too.
Buster also loved to run in grassy fields and chase rabbits and bark at the birds and squirrels. We called him "Rabbit" not only because he liked to chase the rabbits, but because his ears were so long, just like a long-eared rabbit. We loved to take his leash off and let him run around school yards, parks, and trails. He was wonderful, free spirit.
But he also loved to get into trouble, and of course we encouraged him since he was so cute. Often he would get into our garbage just to show us how naughty he could be. For example, if he got a paper plate out of the trash, he would walk into the room where we were, wag his tail and wait for us to see him. Then he waited until we'd scold him and chase after him, but he knew we weren't mad, and it turned into a little game of ours. He just wanted our attention all the time because he loved us.
But in April of 2005 Buster was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and that just broke our hearts; we were devastated. The vet said Buster might live another 7 months if he was lucky. Chemotherapy wasn't an option for prostate cancer, the vet said, because it rarely works and really just ruins the patient. Our only option was pain therapy, which helped a lot because it also helped shrink the swelling of the tumor. But slowly, by degrees, Buster started having trouble going poddy, as the tumor started pressing on his urethra and colon. Eventually, the vet said, he would no longer be able to go poddy.
The worst part of this cancer is that it doesn't spread throughout the body and deteriorate the patient; It only affects the prostate; this means Buster was a perfectly healthy and happy dog, except when he had to go poddy, and when the time came to put him to sleep, it was as if we were ruining a perfectly healthy dog.
Finally, on September 24, early in the morning, my wife and I had to make the hardest decision of our life and put our baby to sleep. We asked the vet to come to our house so Buster wouldn't be nervous and scared, as he would normally be at the vet's office. We put him on our bed, which he loved so much, and held him, kissed him, and told him he's such a good boy. "We love you so much, Buster," we cried as the shot went into him. And then he went limp. "He's gone," the vet said.
We miss him and would give anything to have him back. I don't think anyone can say animals don't have souls because Buster was our child; he had so much goodness and life in him. I know he'll come back to us somehow, maybe in one of our children. I know it with all my heart.
We love you Buster and will always remember you.