Cara: AKA Cara Bear
Cocker Spaniel of the Month: June 2005

Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Age | 5 years |
Location | Pennsylvania (US) |
She was used for pit-bull bait in a dog fighting circle. She was so scared and timid she just made you cry. After a few days in our home we knew Cara had found her forever home with us. After 2 1/2 yrs she has just blossomed into a complete snuggle baby.
We do not know much of Cara's background. Rescue was contacted about taking this 3yr old female cocker into rescue. My husband I have been doing rescue for 4 years and Cara was the most "traumatized" baby we've had in our home. You can see in the pictures when we first brought her home. We decided to call the Vet's phone number that was on her rabies tag. Then we learned Cara was used for bait in a pit-bull fighting circle. We would look at her and just cry. She literally just shook for three weeks when we brought her home.
She did not play with toys, she never wiggled her butt something that is very common for Cockers. We call Cockers "wiggle butts". If you gave her a bone to chew she would guard it sometimes for hours and if you approached her would growl. When she would see a large breed dog she would want to attack.
When you approached her she would let out this high pitched squeal, roll over on her back become stiff as a board. We had to be very careful when we had visitors. There were days she would not want us to get close to her. We as well as our other cockers gave her the time she needed to heal. But for some reason she trusted my husband and the bond started day one.
Cara was a challenge but we could see inside was a puppy just waiting to blossom. Now we look at how far she has come and think what happened to the other Cara. She is an angel, a love bug. She plays with toys and our other dogs. She enjoys play with us and will bring a ball for us to throw. She has absolutely no aggression. Her trust of other people continues, recently our groomer asked if Cara could spend the night with her. When she is confronted with uncertain stimuli now she looks to us for assurance, we tell to leave it, it is ok and she walks away.
Cara's ears were so hard and stiff, almost plastic feeling. When we recently had her to our Vet's he looked at her ears and made this comment, "Her physical scars have healed and her emotional scars are healing as well".
These rescue Angels take time and patience but they are worth every minute of it.
Cara now is happy and yes she has a "wiggle butt". We love her and could not imagine life without her.
Joie and the girls
"A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart."