Anyone too HOT???


Well-Known Member
Owned by
1 cocker
Just woundered if any of you S/W people are too warm?
Just incase you are~ Hannah wants to invite you all to come to Michigan
as we have had SOME WINTER so far.

In her little space that I shovel in the back off the deck is just enough to
do her business so this morning after dad finished blowog out the drive way
in 5 deg. weather (and dropping more for the next few days) I decided to take Hannah out wile I fed the birds.
She has to be tied up out front as traffic is heavy at times with two Greenhouses on our street.
But she loves the snow so much (and to feed the birds^_^) out we went.

She is watching for a bid to come eat and than she went and rolled in the snow (I wasen't fast enough with the camera to catch that) just the after effects.
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Oh Anita! I sure enjoyed the pictures.. I just couldn't imagine all that snow. Do you snow birds have to blow dry your babies after a romp in the snow like Hannahs?
Actually, I kinda miss the snow....just not the 5 degree weather. Dylan used to love running around in it. Then I would have to brush the little ice balls from his legs and feet and blow dry him. We've thought about taking Dylan and Riley to the mountains to play in the snow but the thought of two wet, cold cocker spaniels shivering in the back seat on the way home has put that thought on hold.

Tell me about it. I start work at 4 am and I think it was a whole 3 degrees out. It's wicked cold and with working in the receiving and shipping department at Costco, we constantly have the roll up doors open.. It's nuts!
Mine are absolutely loving the snow. Bailey, my sable boy, who hates to go out when the grass is wet, loves to play in the snow. I have little boots for him to wear, but he only wants them on if it is raining.. No, he's not spoiled at all :)
Enjoy the cold air, it's only supposed to get colder here!

Yeah, lots of bitter cold to go around. Our yard looks the same. It's 16F outside right now. Gabby has his shoveled path in the backyard too. I might set the bird feeder out again. Gabby likes watching the squirrels eat (video).

Melissia, I love Costo. I spend enough there to make money on my executive membership.
LOL Manuel,

I definitely spend enough there as well. I think each year, my rebate has been over 125.00.... But, being there everyday, I pick up everything. And we have the cutest (or had.. they're gone now at my store) Disney Dog Beds.... They're round and fluffy and have Mickey on one of the corners. Where else can you get a Mickey Dog bed under 20.00....
Just remember anything that you see there that ends in .97 is something that they have reduced to clear out of the warehouse. Most of the toys after Christmas get marked down, but they are also pulled and sent back to the vendor shortly thereafter. And with the coupons that they are sending out now (supposedly every month there should me a new booklet) it's definitely worth the 50.00 membership, let alone the 100.00 one... Even if I didn't work there, I would still shop there... And right now, (I don't know what you feed your dogs) Iams is on coupon for 8.00 off a bag.. My chubby cockers eat the Less Active. My other dogs eat the Kirkland Lamb and Rice...

Uhhhhh no thanks LOL
We have had nothing but wind for 4 days...but beautiful 85-90 degree weather :)
Shorts, tank top and flip fav :)
Oh Karrie you are just too to two wicked! Rubbin in our weather like that!:p
I think Karie and Polly need some of our weather Manuel.
Its just no fare ;)

This morning when I got up ay 5am to let Han out it was 6 below
I had to go to the P.O. and as I traveled in town to lower lands it was
17 below on my Vans temp. Yup those are BELOW TEMPS.
THis afternoon it is (0) and windy so the windchill is very COLD~~~
I took this of Hannah about noon today as I let her out in the front (with coat) to get a little exercise. Not much tho as it is just to cold on her feet.
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I like Hannah's coat--she needs it out there. I could tell snow was freezing to Gabby's paws outside because he'd start to limp. I think little ice balls form on his pads. I tried putting booties on his feet many years ago and the results were hilarious. ^_^ Maybe I'll give them another go.
Hannah looks great! Nicholas wound up dressed in layers when we got our snow last month. One layer, a sweater, for warmth, and raincoat on top to try and keep him dry. He really enjoyed the snow, even when it was up past his belly, so I had to bundle him so we could play in the park.

I know what you mean Manuel about the snow balls in the feet.
I just trimmed the hair on Hannahs last week befor all this snow
or I would be having a problem also.
She hasen't been out very long at one time even with a coat as with
the 0 deg. weather and wind chill it is just to cold for very long.
The coat she has on above is a very heavy,warm one that has a wide belly
band which keeps a lot od snow off her and also warm.
This one below is a little skimpier.
She has lots od coats (I think 7-8 anyway) we sold a few in the garage sale that was getting a little worn or small.
She even has a Fo~ Furr and Leather one forwhich soon I will take her picture with it on,its for good only,it was a gift from a good friend and we only put it on for special occasions ^_^.
"Fo- Furr" Sounds cute. I bought Gabby his first coat last night at PetSmart. I gave Gabby a haircut (maybe too short) and now he's cold. Can you believe right after I cut Gabby's hair I let him go out and pee and he rolled around IN THE SNOW trying to dry off! It must have been around zero! He's as insane as his daddy. :O
Since Bubby's hair is short, he has a little blue ski parka. It is easy to put on as it zips up the back. He just has to step into it. At night he is all wrapped up in his "wobbie" next to me in bed. Bubby, too, has his own little area shoveled for him. Bring on Spring!!!! Peggy & Bubby
I also keep mine short.. in modified puppy or sport cuts. I'm letting their leg feathers grow a little now but their backs I cut with a 4f blade. They get cold here in CA without their coats. I like the cotton ones, they are not quite so warm for most winter days here.
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