Asha my sable


Senior Member
Owned by
5 cockers
She doesn't seem to be feeling well tonight. She's being clingy and laying alot in my lap and growly at the other dogs if they even come close. Took her temp which was 100.2 and she about took my face off and bit Hershey whom she adores when he got too close. She also only ate half her food tonight and even then we had to put it on the couch by her as she wouldn't get down on the floor at her usual eating place. Any ideas anyone? :huh: TIA!!!
Sorry I can't be much help. It could be anything. Gabby gets clingy when he's having digestion problems (i.e. diarrhea). He has food allergies and takes prescription food. Every once in a while we let him have something he's not supposed to (like chicken). We can hear his stomach grumbling across the room then he'll end up with diarrhea later on. He also gets clingy when his anal glands are bothering him. I hope Asha is feeling better in the morning. :luv:
Oh No Robin!
I hope she didn't catch anything from the foster boys. Sometimes we sure can wish that they could talk. Please let us know how Ashia is doing.
I have to work today. But I will check here as soon as I get home to see how the beautiful gal is feeling.
Sigh.... I hate when stuff like this happens here. It could be anything. Maybe something as simple as a bellyache. Are her stools normal? Is she throwing up? Her temp seems to be normal, so there probably isnt any infection going on. But something is obviously bothering her, so best to keep a close eye on her. I guess a wait and see attitude would be ok for now. But I'd get her to the vet if not better tomorow. Poor pupper.. Keep us posted.
She seems more herself tonight. Think it was an upset tummy although she hasn't had diarrhea or vomiting thank goodness. Her activity level is a lot better. ^_^ Thaks to those concerned!
That's good to hear. I hate it when they're sick. You worry about them, stay up with them and don't get any sleep. :(
I'm glad to hear that Asha is feeling better . . . I always worry so much when they seem "off"
Poor baby, hope that she is feeling better real soon...heat? How are you feeling??Sometimes when I do not feel well Hannah will not let the others near me. When I had surgery on my neck last year she would not let the others on the bed or would lay in front of me on the couch and not let them near. Zoe would get sassy and bark at her...Maggie looked at me like "make her stop, mom".

Again hope that she is right as rain soon.