Constipation advice for 2 week old puppy

Lydia Ivey

Owned by
2 cockers
One of my dogs puppies which was born by emergency c-section isn't fairing as well as the other pups, (mum abandoned them from birth so they are all being bottle fed) he has had a urinary tract infection, and i got him to the vets and got him straight onto AntiBiotics, now he is constipated, we have been giving him some water before each feed, and yesterday i suggested olive oil, which seemed to work after a few hours..I'm trying to encourage the Dams owner to keep up with the olive oil at least once a day, but we are not so sure how much to give him, and we have already lost 3 puppies and i'm not about to let another fade away. He is feeding ok, not taking as much as the others though, in size and weight he's a long way behind the others, he's active and not vomiting so i've ruled out an obstructed bowel..we just need him too poo, he's only done 1 in almost 48 hours xx
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I took this photo of him today to show the size contrast between him and his other brothers and sisters, he is the all brown one laid above the black girl xIMG_0628.jpg
Maybe he doesn't have anything to poop. How well is he eating? I'd see a vet. If he isn't constipated and you give laxatives he may become dehydrated (serious in a pup). Is there a local breeder in your area you can seek for guidance? I think it would be a good idea.
Thanks for your reply Manuel. He is feeding, not vast amounts, about 15-20ml every couple of hours, plus he's given water every few hours to rehydrate. Well, on Monday we scoured the internet for suggestions on what to do, and syrup of figs came up, so we got a bottle and gave him half a ml, we also gave the pups their first worming.....and hey ho, little boy gave birth lol, that was a relief i can tell ya !!!,we were doing everything to make him poo!! non of the pups had any worms, so we are going to lay of the worming syrup for a while, they aren't having contact with any other animals at the moment,( apart from my dog) or mum, so don't feel the need to keep worming them every 2 weeks until 12 weeks as it gives them the trots !!!, well, not until they are going outside anyway.
The Dams' mums' daughter is having the little boy so she comes each day to feed him, and he seems only content when she's feeding him (he must be attached to her now). She is going to take him to the vets to get him looked at.
I would say he is about a week behind all the other pups. He loves being with them too, the two brown and white ones cuddle either side of him, but we have to watch the two big black ones as they tend to sit on top of him, and they are HUGE!!...Little boys' tummy feels softer now, it was hard before the syrup of figs and worming syrup. The other pups eyes have all opened now, and they can all stand up and poo on their own accord (usually on each other :eek: )
This has been a huge learning curve for all involved, and didn't expect to be doing what we're doing, by the end of it we are going to be experts on hand rearing puppies hahahaha, i find it very rewarding!!!, I also bring the 2 brown and white ones to my house for a night, i am keeping one of them so i am slowly introducing him to my dog who is the daddy, so hopefully in a month or so when i get him home for good, Jarvis will be used to him xxx
Sadly, we lost little "Dave" yesterday morning, he passed away peacefully after a restless night, we never made it to the vets in time :-( he was due to go in the early afternoon but went downhill rapidly. We now know what was wrong, he was suffering from Megacolon !!!.the vets said there would have been little they could have done to save him with him being so young and weak and his condition was most probably congenital, or he was intolerant to the powdered puppy milk :-( it's very very sad, as we have lost half the litter. On the plus side the remaining 4 are fit and healthy and all doing well. R.I.P little Dave xx