Eye discharge

precious pumpkin

Well-Known Member
Owned by
1 cocker
Pumpkin has always had problems with eye discharge.Someone told me that I'm suppose to put eye drops in her eyes everyday. Does anyone do this? What kind?
There could be different reasons for this problem. Make sure have the vet take a look. If this is an ongoing problem a veterinarian who specializes in eyes is the best way to go. Gabby had a very good eye doctor. Eye drops which are artificial tears like Systane help with various conditions because they protect the eye. You can safely use this on your own.

Keeping Gabby's ears neatly trimmed helped keeping his eyes clean. Hoshi has been having a lot of eye discharge lately. I wipe his face off with a washcloth in the morning. I'm wondering if there is something in our house that is causing him problems. We do plan on getting new rugs. Maybe that will help.
I'm with Manuel, I would have Pumpkin checked out just to be sure it isn't anything serious. My Stormy has dry eye.
I use sustain also for him. I also have a perscription eye ointment for him. I have even heard before that some cocker people use mineral oil as an eye drop.
Chicka has trouble too, and it stinks. I need to get her into our eye specialist but I am very Vet poor right now. Chase has trouble with one eye and it is because of a deposit, we put the artificial eye ointment in his eye. Just be sure it is preserative free.
Preserative free? How do you know if its not just sleep in the eyes?
I agree that you may want to get it checked out. It could be allergy-related, too. Sophie gets eye "goopies" if she eats something grainy and also during times of high pollen. I have eye wipes that I use to keep the area under the eyes clean.

Also make sure the fur around the eyes is kept trimmed. If hairs are poking the eyes it can irritate them, causing the discharge.
Preserative free? How do you know if its not just sleep in the eyes?

Systane Plus is marketed as preservative free. You may be right about the sleep in the eyes. Check if it's an abnormal amount though. Also, if it's an infection or irritation the whites of the eye will be reddened. You might start to see scabbing in the creases of the eye due to infection.
Blondie has had a lot of eye "gunk" in the past year. The vet prescribes eye drops for her. I had gotten lax about using them and her eyes were getting pretty bad. Now I am using the drops every night and her eyes look much better. It is about $12 for a little tube that might last one month if I remember to use them every night.
I suggest it as well (vet) as could be eye infection or just plain ol' dry eye.

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Cathy, what did the vet say?

I am amazed at how much better Blondie's eyes are now that I have been using the eye drops every night. The vet said to use them at bedtime because her eyes dry out overnight when she is sleeping.
Hi. I've had three cockers in my lifetime and they all had that discharge. I have a pup now who also started with the discharge. Someone told me to use only filtered or bottled water and it worked!! He has little to no eye gunk. It took two days for it to clear up but since I've been filtering the tap water all is good! I bought a pitcher w a filter to save money on bottled water. Hope this helps
I would let the Vet check her,if no problems filter water can really help to improve discharge,also a little ACV added in it,if she will drink it.
Yes, and washing the face with a warm washrag helps also.. I only have to worry about my Pogo, my buffie.
Zoe' rubbed her little face on everything, the ground the rugs, your pantleg....if you gave her a kiss on her face she would try to rub it off (remember she was a "special" child) doing so caused her to have a lot of bouts of irrated red eyes sometimes. We used sustane eye drops on a regular basis to keep them from becoming infected. If they got infected she got a daily ointment for 10 days to clear it up. We did take her to a visit with the eye specialist to make sure that there was nothing more going on. No glaucoma, no ulcers, no cateracts...just Zoe-ness.

I also use it in their eyes after grooming to get any little hairs washed out.
def get him checked out to make sure its nothing serious. If its just "normal" discharge filtered water can help, so can adding a little vitamin C to the diet. a cool compress of camomille tea (make the tea and soak a piece of gause and hold on the eye for a minute or so). it can be soothing to the eyes. Keep the tea in the fridge and dont "double dip" to keep it clean.
Old trick - make a very strong tea. English breakfast or any black tea/ no flavors please. Add 3-4 bags per cup of hot water. Let the tea cool down to the room temperature. Take a piece of cotton and gently clean his eyes with it. Perform the same process at least 3 times a day, the infection will be gone in 2 days.