Gallbladder Sludge


New Member
My 1o yr old cocker has bile which has become like sludge. I was given a prescription but has many unpleasant side effects. Can anyone recommend any natural supplements. Thanks so much!
We are going through that with Blackie (age 13). She suddenly got sick two weeks ago. After many tests including x-rays and an ultrasound, she got the same diagnosis. Blackie is now on Ursodiol and prescription food (Royal Canin Gastrointestinal). She has improved a lot and gained back two of the four pounds she lost. I don't know of any natural supplements. Blackie's meds and foods are expensive but she is so much better. Our Braggs also had the same problem and was on Ursodiol, too. We lost Braggs to cancer.
Sorry to hear both of you are experiencing this. I take it your dogs are vomiting? As far as what you can do on your own, diet plays a large part. Avoiding greasy foods should help. (e.g. table scraps, McDonalds). You can add fiber to their diet. This will help absorb fat and bile. How to Add Fiber to a Dog's Diet

Becky, sounds like Blakie's current diet is working out fine.
Hi happy to hear Blackie is doing better. I too was prescribed Ursodiol for Porsche but prefer to go the natural route. I am going to book an appointment with a holistic vet. I hope your puppy continues to improve.

Manuel...The sludge in her bile was noticed via an ultrasound as a result of another issue Porsche was having...I am thankful to have found this out so that I can deal with it before it becomes worse and thankfully she is not vomiting. Thanks so much for the link. Your puppy looks a lot like mine :D