Hope everyone in California is safe


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I heard about the devastating fires in California and am worried about everyone. Polly I hope you have some kind of evacuation plan to get you and everyone out safely. I don't know what's going on out there. Is the drought that bad or are people really careless with fire? People responsible need to be punished. I heard one fire was caused by a downed power line. They need to take responsibility.
Manuel, I’m traveling home now but our area is smoky but safe. I know Dee Dee had to evacuate but I think they’re safe and as far as I know their house is OK so far.

As for the fires, as far as we know none are intentional. We haven’t had any rain since March, which isn’t unusual. It’s been very windy. It’s been hot (I do believe in global warming). Everything is dry as tinder. Even a spark from a car wreck or someone driving on a flat tire can start a fire. In extreme winds occasionally a tree or tree limb will come down on the power lines and a fire will result. The flames will be fanned by the high winds and the dry conditions contribute.

As for the power company paying for the fires, guess what? If the fire started by a fallen power line and PG&E pays guess who ends up paying? They raise our rates to cover the costs of their fine.
We are safe Manuel, so far all of my family is safe. I have one niece who lives not too far from Dee Dee's new home that was on standby to be evacuated. The fire was almost to their backyard. I agree with everything that Karen said, but, I will add, living as I do in a Federal National Forest, that the State of CA does prohibit the clearing of the underbrush and the removal of dead trees. At least that's what the Forest Rangers have told me on more than one occasion. We have a stream in our front yard. In years past, the Southern CA Edison co (My power co) would pay to have the stream cleared of debris so it flowed downriver freely. In the last 25 years or so, the State won't allow it's clearance which causes it to run over the main street during rain, so the State closes the street. Which is a main drive for those in the Antelope Valley to the Santa Clarita Valley and on to Los Angeles. We don't mine the closure, but, it drives the community crazy. Earlier this year the Oaks Lodge which is directly across that street from us burned down. It won't be allowed to be rebuilt even tho it was a Historic Building, it was almost 100 years old. My cabin, as most in our tract was built in the early 20s.. I'm positive that if it burned down, we wouldn't be allowed to re-build.
I don’t understand why private homes are required to have their brush cleared but they won’t let you in the forest, Polly. Also the stream thing makes no sense at all.
I'm glad everyone's safe. I hope it rains and puts all the fires out.
I’m home in smoke filled northern CA. Some things I learned about the Camp Fire on our local news that help to explain the loss of life and the inability to evacuate in time. The town of Paradise is in a valley. The fire started high and swooped down. At that time the fire was moving so fast it was burning the equivalent of 30 football fields per minute. There was very limited time to give a warning and the fire moved so fast there weren’t many escape routes.
I can’t even imagine fires on that scale. Live trees don’t normally burn either.