keeping ears dry


Senior Member
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3 cockers
Hopefully Reagan will be starting into hydrotherapy soon. Her coat is pretty short, so it doesn't take too long to dry. However, her ears are much longer, and she likes to roll around when they are being dried. A no no for her leg. Not to mention it takes a while for them to dry. When she gets further along in her recovery we will be doing hydrotherapy twice a day. Any ideas to keep her ears dry during these sessions?

I found a swim snood from a company online, but saw on another website that it isn't made to keep the ears dry. (on the website it doesn't specifically say one way or the other) Seems it is more to prevent them shaking their heads when the ears get wet. I was thinking about using some kind of water-proof fabric and making one, but not sure how to do it.

I know there are lots of creative people on the board and many that sew, so thought you might have some ideas.

Water won't be that deep will it? I would think a snood to hold the ears up or a clippy thing...maybe some vaseline-coated cotton balls in the ears? Or maybe the ear protection thingys I use when I use the hedge clippers. They are foam and you twist em tiny, insert in ear canal, and they expand to block.
Gosh Amanda
I don't have a clue.. would cotton work?
How about using a dog life vest (see example) along with the swim snood? I don't think it will interfere with her physical therapy. I think the vest would offer enough buoyancy making it difficult for her ears to go in the water and the snood would keep the ends of her ears from getting wet.
I didn't realize you were asking about her ear flaps, which makes sense now that I think of it. I sure like Manuel's idea for keeping her ears dry.

I sure hope it would work with the excersises she is given.
Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to work on it this weekend...going to try to make one first to save a little money. I signed her up today with the physical therapist at my vet. Right now the plan is for her to go twice a week for 6 weeks.
A snood will certainly help. Wonder if I have any already made up for you.

I'll check my stash.

My 2 love going swimming, and hop in our pool all the time or the creek where we train. I don't put anything over there ears. AFter there swim I put a towel around there ears, including the inside and try to dry it out as much as i can like this. the other thing my vet told me was to put ear drops in, there is a newish one out a while ago called paws something, put that in both ears, then clean out with cotton wool, that will help draw the moisutre out.

the other thing i had to worry was with my pool i have to wash or hose the dogs after every swim, as the cholrine irriates their skin even though our pool is classed as salt water, and with my previous dog, i hd to put saline in her eyes to ensure the cholrine didn't irritate her eyes either.

You can also buy doogles, for their eyes which I used to have on Callie and she could swim with them on also.

The only thing i would be worried about with a snood or anything on the ears was the extra weight it would put on the ears whilst they aer swimming.
For the most part the snood will be used while doing hydrotherapy. Reagan had CCL surgery and will be going to rehab. They do several exercises in water that would get her ears wet, but that she just stands in.

I am hoping it will work for swimming too, but if not oh well. I will be standing right next to her while she is swimming, and she is required to wear a life jacket. So if she is having any trouble I can help her immediately.

Yes, lots of baths are in her future. I have soap free shampoo, so hopefully being bathed a couple of times a week won't be too bad.