Still got tapes


Well-Known Member
Owned by
2 cockers
Wonderng - Coco and Monte got their tapeworm shots 6/20 and today I found live active tapes from Coco. Nothing from Monte but dead ones. Is this just gonna take a while for Coco or should I call the vet again? Geez I hate to put this old soul thru too much more.
Oh gosh Sharon, I don't know.. but I sure hope they die off soon. Poor babies.. I guess I would call the vet tomorrow if I didn't see any difference ..
those little segments are breaking off... might be a while, because of the life cycle of the beasts
i don't have much experience with injectable tape meds but i know that with the pill it sometimes takes a day or so for the worms to die from the medicine and it works faster in some dogs and slower in others but if it's been a week now they should be dead...i can't imagine the shot is much different...but if you are still seeing them it might not hurt to give the vet a call and find out...fostermom is right though...their life cycle doesn't allow for quick death...
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and if you still have fleas, there will be new tapes...
stupid worms,

get some DE for the yard and even the dogs
back to the vet tomorrow for another shot. I was concerned cause Coco will be 14 this month but the vet said he was probably soooo loaded that one shot probably was not enough and he does not think another shot will hurt him. God only knows how infested he was when I brought him home last July 5th so hopefully this will put him right. Have to do something cause he's lost near five pounds. Eating like a horse but losing weight. I really don't think the very few fleas I have had caused this after reading all your posts. I think maybe he hasn't had much vet care in the past before he came home to me. Whatever - he will be taken care of and loved on top of it! Cranky old soul that he is.
Only takes one flea (larvae)

I would go with Panacur instead of the shot
Only takes one flea (larvae)

I would go with Panacur instead of the shot

I haven't ordered any yet but I'm going to and then do the treatment twice a year on all of them. Right now I have back-to-back vet appointments. The follow-up tapes shot is free so am taking advantage of that. July 18 two more go in for their annual, Merlin needs his heartworm pills, then I get a respite cause Monte's not due until December. Never really had a problem with tapes before. Mendi got them frequently, Max once or twice maybe. I think they probably came here with tapes already started just not showing.