What Shampoo?


New Member
Owned by
1 cocker
Hey guys,

so my pup coogee (pronounced 'could-gee') has major scratching around her ears, neck, back and legs. She's off all treats and I'm just giving her her chow - purina ( yuk, i know, I am looking for a new brand, but in Trinidad the food is very limited) She has just finished a course of allergy meds from the vet, but she's still scratching. I bathed her recently and noticed she started scratching like crazy as soon as her coat dried. I used a local medicated shampoo called Neelees shampoo - active ingredient selenuim sulphide (which is for dandruff -but she doesn't have flaky/dry skin.) This was recommended to us by our vet a while ago and we still use it, but now I think this might be the culprit so I'm going to use water only on her for now. Meanwhile, can anyone suggest a brand that I could use that is more natural? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much,

Shaz & Coogee
Hi and welcome. Coogee may be alergic to the grain in the purina. Yes, it is junk and cockers especially will have allergic reactions to it. How are Coogee's ears? I would get him off that asap, and perhaps the shampoo you are using is drying his skin. I would talk to your vet again about this. Make sure you rinse him really really well.

There are many shapoos out there that are really good. I buy mine premixed... and then cut it down again sometimes by 60% or more.. so it's easier to rinse out. That is very important.

There is a list at the beginning of this grooming forum that lists a lot of the products we here like. Take a look!
Yes, I saw the grooming list soon after I posted this. I am looking at Regal for her diet now - best I can do in Trinidad. It's tough for quality grain-free foods here. In regards to the shampoo, I will certainly try watering down whatever her next shampoo is. Her ears are very red & sensitive from her scratching them too. I think I will make another trip to the vet today just to give them an update. Thanks for your advice, it was very useful.
Oh sounds like it could be the food to me as well. Like Polly said, cockers many times have a hard time with grains in the food. As for the shampoo, that might be a little harsh. I buy the gallons of concentrate and mix them myself. I really like the petsilk and Espree shampoos. Isle of Dog is good as well. As far as medicated I like vet solutions. It's a good one for any skin redness or flaking. Maybe try adding Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids like sardine and anchovy oil. I will give coconut oil as well.
Great advice above, but for shampoo I love Burt's Bees. I used it when Apollo had a hot spot, it's good stuff and doesn't have many ingredients.

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Yes since his ears are red, sure sounds like it's the grains, especially the corn in the Purina. Get him off that as soon as you can.
Sounds like its probably the food but I just wanted to mention since it sounds like it increased after the bath that its possible that you didnt rinse enough. A groomer once told me to "rinse rinse rinse until you think you're done then rinse again" It can be hard to get the shampoo completely out depending on the type of shampoo you use.
In addition to what everybody said, I really believe in doggie creme rinse, something simple. But food first!