6 Month Cocker Shedding Mountains of Hair



Hi Cocker Lovers,

Our 6 Month old Cockerspaniel Alfie is shedding mountains of hair.
We brush him every second day, but we have just noticed hand fulls of hair coming out of late?

Is this normal ?

How much do cockers normally shed?

Sorry if this has already been covered.
Hi Welcome. Your posts will be moderated for a while.As to your shedding problem, I have never noticed the amount of shedding you mentioned with any of mine.What kind of food do you feed? Have you taken Alfie to the vet to see if there is something wrong?Did this just start? I know that sometimes cockers will blow coat.. others I'm sure will offer more information.
Is he blowing coat? Is he scratching a lot? Could he have mange? It's hard to tell from your post. Do you see bald spots?
Thanks for the replies:

We feed him with Royal Canin- Junior- Yes this shedding did just start- we noticed a lot of extra hair on the floor boards to start with-
He is not scratching anymore than usual - and we can not see any bald spots-

It is the change of season coming into summer, maybe this has something to do with it?
Hopefully he is just bowing his coat.....