Advice for ears


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1 cocker
Annie is always having infections in 1 ear. The Mometamax (however ya spell it) just doesn't help anymore. Her right ear smells BAD and just bleeding now cuz she constantly scratches at it. Any home solutions i could use to try and keep infection down?? Driving me nutso!

Blue Power ear treatment. Just type it into your browser and you will have the recipe. When I adopted Maxwell he had an ear infection which the rescue gave me Otomax to bring home with him. The vet gave him Baytril as well. Turned out his little teeny ear canals were too tiny for all those thick things to get down in there. Finally I tried the Blue Power recipe and put him to rights soooo quickly my vet asked what I did! He never had another ear infection either. I use it immediately after a bath and just plain once a month for maintenance. My pooches don't have ear infections anymore!
Have they done a culture and sensitivity to see what kind of bug is inthere? That way they can treat it with the antibiotic that works the best.

You might want to hold off on the Blue solution till the infection is done..especially if the ear is super could be very sensitive and the solution might sting.
Thank you both. Her ear is very very red and inflamed gets better for about 2 or 3 days and then flares up for 2 days.......back and forth , back and forth.

I will try to clear this up again and then check out the Blue solution.

Thanks again!
Reagan has been having a hard time with her ear lately too. She was back at the vet today and goes again next week.

It was so inflamed they wanted her on Cerumene and Silver Sulfadiazine. She is now on epi otic and otomax. We let the epi otic sit in her ears for ten minutes than clean them, wait thrity minutes than put the meds in. After 2 days of this she looked much better. She goes back again next week for another cytology on both ears.
When Prince used to dig his ears raw to bleeding, the vet gave us Neo Predef powder to put on them.
Thank you both. Her ear is very very red and inflamed!

OUCH!!!! Maybe you better take her back to the Vet and tell them the meds are not working and your putting them in ans as often as you are suppost to.
Poor baby :crybaby: nothing like sore ears I say.

I have not had problemns with ears since my Ashley and hers were mostly due to a terable skin problem that effected not only her skin terable but her ears also.
I use a tropical cleaner( CHLORHEXIDERM) to help keep them clean.

My only thing that I do and I do it OFTEN~ like 3-4 times a week is clean them out with a cleaner from my Vet,I change to a different one not using the same thing for long periods and the always Chlorhexiderm in between. I think my self that ears can be come use to the same ole thing and dose not work as well,this is why I get a different one so I have 2-3 on hand.
Right now I have EPI OTIC ADVANCE (from the Vet).Need to take a trip as I am getting low in all.
Please check with your Vet tho before you use anything.
Things with Alchole in it will sure burn terable if there raw:crybaby:
Good Luck.
Anita (the above is my opion and what believe in doing only)
I like the epi otic cleaner. I haven't tried the advanced one yet. I have a full bottle still, but going to ask them about the advanced when I need more.
I'm glad Annie's ears are better. The only dog I have had with bad ears is my Tunie.. I do keep up with her ears .. I use Zymox and blue power.

Jan will have some info for you on this subject because she fought bad ears with one of her angels. She and Linny told me about zymox.
Thanks guys...Annie is going to vet. When she shakes her head you can hear the fluid in her ear........ICK!! No more suffering...taking her in.
When my Murphy was still alive, at one point he had horrible ears. Big time stinky.. red and filled with gunk... bordering on pseudonoma. My vet made a concoction of liquid Baytril and a few other things (cant remember what else) that I put in his ears twice a day, and it helped big time. But the Baytril was the main ingredient that helped. I also had to clean his ears everyday after that with either the blue power or an ear flush that i got from the vet, and his ears were fine from then on.