Any advice?


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7 cockers
Two weeks ago Hershey started having soft stools. By that Tuesday morning he was passing alot of blood/diarrhea. I rushed him to our vet, and was told he had colitis. He was put on Amforal (sp?) & Clavamox. He was also put on a liquid diet that day, then a bland diet for a few days, then slowly add back in his food. By this last Wednesday morning he was back to diarrhea again (I had just gotten him back on his regular food a couple of days prior). I talked to the vet & he said go back to a bland diet & add back the Amforal until his stool was firm.

I started adding his food back (mixing with rice or oatmeal) yesterday. This morning he won't eat & he vomited a thick mucous with specks of blood in it. He tummy is making gurgling sounds. So far his stool is still firm, but I doubt for long.

How long does it take to get over colitis? Am I adding food back too early? Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
Betty, I'm sure others will have great advice for you. I just wanted to say that I hope Hershey gets better soon. Did you call your vet and tell him Hershey is having trouble again?
I was surprised I couldn't find much about diet in the management of ulcerative colitis. I would keep Hershey off his regular food for a while, maybe a month and let his bowel rest. Keep him on the bland diet. I made Gabby boiled rice with ground chicken breast meat. That seemed to help some. I think he tolerated that better than the oatmeal. Pepcid (regular strength) really helps with vomiting and stomach bleeding. I think that's the only way Gabby would keep his food down sometimes. I did find a mention of Lactobacillus being used to prevent the recurrence of ulcerative colitis--you would want it as a supplement because dairy products are to be avoided with colitis. If I find out more, I'll let you know.
Thanks Manuel.

Polly our vet is in a conference. Today is his last day. He won't be home until tonight. I will call & let his wife know that I bringing him tomorrow.
dogs don't really get over colitis or IBS... Joy has had it since we got here. We found out what triggers it. First, she needs to be kept on several small meals a day, mostly proteins. Or, she has the tummy squeeks, pukes 3 times and then has the raspberry jelly craps. It's stinky too.

One of her triggers is salmon, or fish.

Another thing is to talk to your vet about Tylan powder. It's what is usually used for Colitis. It tastes terrible so I put her powder in gelatin capsules so she'll get it down. You're supposed to mix it in their food, but if you go ahead and taste it (I did) - it's disgusting and you can't get rid of the metal taste.

She does well on our puppy stew recipe. If we go off schedule for her -Whamo - otherwise, she's fine, and I usually only have to give one or two doses of the Tylan powder. It's really called Tylosine -- and can even be found on the internet, but talk to your vet about it.
Does colitis come on out of the blue & become chronic? Hershey has not be known to have a sensitive tummy. He is our laid back boy...things don't seem to get him upset. He does food allergies, all my boys do. He is on RC HP19 & his treats are prescription hypoallergenic made esp. For allergies. This did start 2 or 3 days after opening the new bag of dog food. This week 2 of the boys have been on a bland diet because of possible colitis.
I would toss that bag of food!!!!!

I don't do prescription diets, as too much 'junk' in there,and you can't tell what he would be allergic too because of the chemicals in there too.

See, this is why I like home cooking. When your dog is sick, vet tells you to cook for them - why? Cause it's better for them and takes them off of their kibble or whatever.
I agree with Linny!!! GET RID OF THAT FOOD!!!!! Sounds like at least one of the culprits.
My kids will NOT be eating anymore of this bag of food. I just talked to vet's wife & voiced my concerns. We are doing a blood work up on Hershey in the am. She agrees it may be the
bag of food. She is calling company tomorrow. Meanwhile I will be researching home feeding my kids.
Betty do Linny's Puppy stew while you research. It has everrything dog's need and you'll probably sick with it. You can even use different meats if need be like Polly uses beef in hers now that she has Storm as he's allergic to chicken.
Betty, you will probably have to keep Hershey off the kibble for awhile.. if not for good. It sounds like it's now a trigger for a flareup. My Lacey has irritable bowel syndrome, which is similar to colitis. She's 11 now, but fFor years, she was able to eat anything. Then a few years ago, she began having the same trouble as Hershey. Was put on a bland diet for a few days, buit as soon as I put her back on her regular diet, she would get a flareup.. even if it was just a small amount. So now she's off the kibble for good. You just need to learn what Hersheys trigger foods will be, and keep him away from them.
And yes, the Tylan works great. Just give about 1/8 teaspoon if you hear his belly squeaking, and it should calm it down. But as Linda said, ask your vet first.
Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

Try to keep it as close to recipe as possible. Ok, sometimes I don't always have broccoli in the house, but I usually always try to keep it about the same.

We normally use chicken thighs, as it's easier to debone -- but sometimes can get ground chicken on sale and do it in the crock pot for a small batch.

Can use ground turkey, beef, etc, but one of the things we changed about this recipe was the barley. Barley was a trigger for Joy, so we only use oats (like instant oats) at the end, so they don't burn and turn to mush.

I use a hand held blendy thing, sort of like what you would use to make a milkshake - and sometimes, I also bake this concoction. Oh and do add 1/4 centrum vitamin or missing link or whatever you like to use. Sometimes though, the regular doggy vitamins have too much "flavoring" or additives and can reak havoc on an allergy prone dog.

You can also go to Petco or another specialty store and buy the HALO stew in a can. However, it's really expensive. Ellen Degeneris is now 1/2 owner of Halo, so not sure if prices dropped or what. I keep a few cans around in an emergency. They also make a kibble.

Just remember to keep Hershey on a schedule. You'll see -- if his tummy is empty, it'll squeak and he might yack. Then comes the splats.

The closest thing we found to this recipe is Merrick's Grammy's Pot Pie, so most of mine eat that if I don't get a batch of puppy stew made.
Hershey is allergic to carrots & peas. Do I substitute something else or just leave them out all together. Other than that I think ALL my boys will be able to eat this. I do give them a vitamin (Pet Tabs Plus). Would you change that too or continue with it? They've been on it since puppies & seem to do fine. If I do the vitamin & the stew is this a well balanced diet for long term use? (I haven't been giving Hershey his vitamin since he has been sick.)

Thank you for the recipe Linny!
Gabby was on RC HP19 and it worked the best for his digestion. We tried the Purina version and it didn't work as well. Linda, the 37lb pound bag is almost a $100. Betty may have 2nd thoughts tossing that bag.

Betty, it doesn't have to be a chronic illness. You can get colitis from an infection. That maybe why your vet has him on Amforol which is a combination antibiotic and anti-diarrheal.
Gabby was on RC HP19 and it worked the best for his digestion. We tried the Purina version and it didn't work as well. Linda, the 37lb pound bag is almost a $100. Betty may have 2nd thoughts tossing that bag.

Betty, it doesn't have to be a chronic illness. You can get colitis from an infection. That maybe why your vet has him on Amforol which is a combination antibiotic and anti-diarrheal.

But if the bag of food is in itself the problem then the bag needs to go.
Ok 100.00 in bad food or lots of vets bills. No food is
worth that just because it has one ingredient in there that can help the dog. The rest of the food in there is ick

too many dogs died from the last food recall. Toss the bag in the trash it's not
worth it.

Sure take the carrots and peas out.
Wow - I'm sure glad someone had some insight into this cause I sure woulda freaked if this happened to one of mine! Yeah - I'd toss that bag but not until after checking with the manufacturer in case something's wrong with that bag (or that lot). Heads up to everyone else feeding that food kinda thing. Hope the pooch feels better soon.
Poor Hershey, hope that he is feeling better soon.

A couple of years ago we went through some issues with both of Hannah and Zoe. And so boy do I sympathize with you.

Hannah's started when she ate a Hyacinth bulb. Even with trip to the ER vet and meds the resul twere long lasting. It caused massive intestinal problems with Collitis symptoms that lasted about four years. She went home with SD H/D for five days, a prescription of antibiotics and instructions to put her on a very bland chicken and oatmeal for two weeks, . We graduated her from the chicken/oatmeal diet, to Linda's puppy stew and then gradually switched her back to her regular kibble.

Zoe' we think got a intestinal "bug" from drinking out of a puddle when we were doing a nature walk with the girls. Again it presented with Colitis like symptoms.

With both of the girls it was a long time before they over came it. Both had loose stool and jellie/bloody stool. Usually at the first sign of them having a gurgly tummy they would get dosed with Metrondozole followed 1/2 hour later with pepto. Knock on wood...neither of them have had problems for a long time.
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