Any advice?

Yeah sometimes they prescribe flagyl. Puddle drinking is a no-no
any food where the first 4 ingredients is rice, soy, some kind of
fat and beet pulp is not worth the money the vets are charging. Goes back to my theory that dogs can live on potato chips
if coated with the correct ratio (or corn, like most of the vet food, it's their theory, not mine, I think it's a conspiracy)
of calcium/phosphorus (should be 2:1) and vitamins Dogs need meat they need high protein they need bones they need some simple carbs. They are carnivores.
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I have been feeding puppy stew exclusively now for years. I do buy a good quality baked treat for my crew, and mostly apple slices, baby carrots also, but I know those are out for Hershey. I use a frozen veggie mix that we get from Sam's Club, it has crook neck squash, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots in it. It's just easier for us. I don't put barley in ours either, one dog before had a reaction to the barley. I just use oatmeal. Mine get a pet multi, and one or 2 salmon oil caps a day also.
Thank you for your help. I am currently leaning towards just feeding the puppy stew to all the boys minus the peas & carrots. We can't do barley here either, have a couple that are allergic to it. We can do the oatmeal thought I can do the apple slices as treats also.

As for the RC HP19 here currently, there is NO WAY I can feed what is left to my kids now. I don't know that it is the food, I also don't know that it isn't. I have no problem throwing this food out no matter the cost. I will have more in vet bills over this than I will in the food. It's just not worth the chance it may be the food.

The vet's office is going to call the manufacturer tomorrow and see what they have to say.

I will post tomorrow after our vet visit.
Know I'm worried with you since we both have a Hershey. I'm also worried about your other puppies that you said they were showing signs also. If it were mine I'd be sooooo worried. Last summer my Asha had me worried too and she's just now able to eat regular dog food. Recently I bought a book at Hastings about recipes for homecooking for your dogs. If you give them treats I'll look in there and see what there is. I'll also look at what foods are in it. I haven't been able to even look at it yet.
Thank you for your help. I am currently leaning towards just feeding the puppy stew to all the boys minus the peas & carrots. We can't do barley here either, have a couple that are allergic to it. We can do the oatmeal thought I can do the apple slices as treats also.

As for the RC HP19 here currently, there is NO WAY I can feed what is left to my kids now. I don't know that it is the food, I also don't know that it isn't. I have no problem throwing this food out no matter the cost. I will have more in vet bills over this than I will in the food. It's just not worth the chance it may be the food.
The vet's office is going to call the manufacturer tomorrow and see what they have to say.
I will post tomorrow after our vet visit.

I am so sorry to hear about your dogs. If more than one got sick on the food, I would return it from where it was purchased. It may be a bad batch, or may have been inproperly stored before you got it.

I buy several small bags of food instead of one large bag -- that way I know the food is always fresh, but I'm sure it's possible that we could still get a bad batch.

I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Betty if you shop at costco or sams club, that's where we get out oatmeal, large industrial size bags :)
I like to freeze it myself before feeding it. Then I reconsitiute it with hot water and, if needed zap it a little
oh mine like it warm, right out of the pot. Once, we let them lick the pot after I put it all away in big bowls. BAHAHA, there was a puppy IN the pot. Of course there was no camera handy. I think it was one of the cruz pups. They lived on that for a long time.

Since the food (Royal Canin) was script food, I'm betting you got it from your vet. I've watched UPS bring cartons and cartons of the script food in. Ours stores it in the basement of the office. But seriously, in that food, where is the meat?
PS -- you can even put a green apple (chopped up) right in the puppy stew if you want.
I tried making with with half chicken broth once... I didn't notice a difference in the flavor at all but the pups liked it.
Plop a spoon full of nonfat plain yougert on the top, they love it! Or some canned pumpkin. :)
The only thing I'd watch with chicken broth is sodium level - commercial chicken broth can be high in sodium, depending on the manufacturer.