As important as a solid recall.....

An update on the recall training. Fiona's tendency to bark at people has disappeared... maybe it was a late blooming developmental phase....I don'the really know.....but it seems to have evaporated thank goodness. I started having people at the places we went feed her treats or putting her on cue and asking her to do stuff as a "replacement behavior." Yesterday, when we were on our hike.... she did really well. I put her on cue and she heeled right past them she returned to me without hesitation when she was "at liberty" and we even worked on "hup" which is the command to drop out of motion coming toward me. Nonetheless, where the hiking trail wound close to the road, she was on a 15 ft lead.....same thing when the hike was over and we ended up back at the pavilion, where a bunch of people gathered and were eating lunch. Yeah and her loose leash walking still really sucks but with the help of the "Gentle Leader" it is improving. I was very pleased with how it went and very proud of my epically smart little dog..