At least someone likes the snow!


Well-Known Member
We're in the middle of a snowstorm. We've gotten about 5 inches, the wind is blowing and it's cold out there! I honestly don't want to go out. But, I have to take Callie out. I get her out, and she's so excited that all she wants to do is play.

A leaf blows by? Let's chase it!

The snow balls up from us walking? Let's play w/the ball!

The neighbors are out shoveling? Let's go join them!

There's birds at the feeder? Let's chase them!

Of course, she gets so busy playing that she forgets why she's out there. I've already cleaned up one mess.
She is a fireball of energy. Cold weather will not stop her!
She told me she needed to go out, and I just barely got to her in time! When she has to poop, she starts to spin. As I was heading for my boots and coat, she started spinning. I grabbed her, managed to get my boots on-but not my coat and got her outside. I will be glad when this weekend is over. Then it will hopefully get a bit warmer again.
Yeah it can be exasperating and really labor intensive, but you have to love that enthusiasm and exuberance!
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She told me she needed to go out, and I just barely got to her in time! When she has to poop, she starts to spin. As I was heading for my boots and coat, she started spinning. I grabbed her, managed to get my boots on-but not my coat and got her outside. I will be glad when this weekend is over. Then it will hopefully get a bit warmer again.
When Fi was little, she didn't like it when you watched her if she had to poop. She would kind of sidle away from you and look affronted, like we were Peeping Toms or perverts.....she hated being watched.....which we had to do to make sure she stayed on task and didn't pick up something and eat it....a stick from the old tree that hangs over our back fence. We never knew this tree shed twigs.... until we had her....she found each and every one.
I forget how many trees I have in my yard. Plus, I heat w/wood, so I have to watch her when we're out. I won't let her chew on sticks for just in case.

It warmed up a bit today, so she was able to run around the farm today and chase a chicken (the only one that would venture out of the chicken house). I finally had to catch the poor chicken and put it back in the pen. Callie wasn't trying to hurt her, she just wanted to play. She could have grabbed her, but didn't. I really need to work on that.