Avoiding fleas while grooming and bathing?


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1 cocker
It seems every time I bath Hoshi I get bit by fleas soon afterwards. I'm not sure when it happens. I guess fleas jump off him during the bath. Anyways, I got bit real bad on my ankles after bathing Hoshi. What tips do you have to prevent being bitten? :crybaby:
Manuel I never have that problem at all, not with fleas. Now that it's spring, anything I need to do outside, I do very early, not because of fleas, but, because of nats and mosquitos, so far, frontline plus is still working for my boys. I know you have an inside bathing area don't you? Maybe your place needs to be bombed? We do that once or twice the season, for spiders... I bring the boys to my sisters, then do it and then vaccume and shampoo the carpets after. I do have one of those blue zapper lights that I will turn on inside the cabin if any flying blood sucker might get in.. believe me, If I had it to do over again, I would not buy a cabin with a stream anywhere in my yard!!!
Not from fleas.....but like Polly, I got eaten alive last week while gardening. Trying to prune a contorted filbet I got bit from something that got in my collar. Chomping around my shoulder and neck...boy do those itch. EEEKKKK, hope they were not baby spider bites :blink:.

Polly, I am thinking about doing a barrier spray around the foundation of my house (and the door sills) to keep those who need to stayout out. We use screens to try and keep the flyers out.

I got ankle bites from sand fleas while walking on beaches on our boat trip last year, so at the suggestion of a friend I am going to use neemy spray on my shoes and socks next time. Maybe that might help you next time you bath Hoshi.
Not from fleas.....but like Polly, I got eaten alive last week while gardening. Trying to prune a contorted filbet I got bit from something that got in my collar. Chomping around my shoulder and neck...boy do those itch. EEEKKKK, hope they were not baby spider bites :blink:.

Polly, I am thinking about doing a barrier spray around the foundation of my house (and the door sills) to keep those who need to stayout out. We use screens to try and keep the flyers out.

I got ankle bites from sand fleas while walking on beaches on our boat trip last year, so at the suggestion of a friend I am going to use neemy spray on my shoes and socks next time. Maybe that might help you next time you bath Hoshi.
DJ!! Great idea with the neem!
I was wondering what groomers do when they have a dog loaded with fleas. Aren't they worried the fleas will get on them? I've seen some TV footage where you can see the fleas all over the dogs when they are getting groomed. Those were some brave groomers!
If I know they're loaded, they go straight to the tub plus get a Capstar. Most of my customers I have now that are regulars don't come in with fleas tho. And yes, I tell and charge extra those customers about the Capstar and flea shampoo.
Would one of those clip on gadgets work? They make an ultrasonic noise that repels "most pests."

I know it's a hassle to get the rx for it, but I am totally sold on Comfortis, none of the old standbys were working.
Last year, when I was being eaten alive by mosquitos, Vick's Vapo Rub was the only thing that seemed to bring relief from the itching. Might seemed to repel them a little, too. Might work for gardening?
I am so very very thankful not to have to deal with fleas anymore :dance:

When I lived on the BC coast fleas were terrible!!
I always wore long sleeves to bath animals, but I also always bathed in a deep laundry tub.
bad ones (cats especially since they seem to be so very sensitive to flea products) I would coat in cheapo mineral oil first. Just slop it on all over and leave for a min or 2 to drown all those blood suckers.
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Would one of those clip on gadgets work? They make an ultrasonic noise that repels "most pests."

I know it's a hassle to get the rx for it, but I am totally sold on Comfortis, none of the old standbys were working.

I've never tried one. I'll ask about the Confortis. Last time I asked to try Advantix they said they didn't carry it. They did say they carried Capstar. The funny thing is I was only bitten a couple days after the bath. No bites before the bath.

I am so very very thankful not to have to deal with fleas anymore :dance:

When I lived on the BC coast fleas were terrible!!
I always wore long sleeves to bath animals, but I also always bathed in a deep laundry tub.
bad ones (cats especially since they seem to be so very sensitive to flea products) I would coat in cheapo mineral oil first. Just slop it on all over and leave for a min or 2 to drown all those blood suckers.

Is the mineral oil easy to wash out? Sounds like it would leave the fur nice and soft. :)
To be honest I've never used it on a long coat.
But I have used it on dogs, cats, horses & cows and always followed with whatever regular shampoos & conditioners I was using.
I don't have anything on the flea bites while bathing, but I've done quite a bit of research into flea/tick treatments later. I know several people who use Comfortis and like it, and we've had very good luck with Trifexis (flea/tick/worm). We do, however, have these crazy mutated fleas that can pretty much beat any of the topical flea treatment (Advantage, Frontline, etc) and even with the Trifexis we've pulled a very few off Ghost this spring. A lot of the folks on my Husky forum use natural repellants, and I've recently added those into our arsenal. I use a combination of Tea Tree, Lavender, and Rose Geranium oils and haven't seen a flea since we started with them. Aaron is a little sensitive to the rather potent scent of the oils so I'm careful when I apply them, but all you do is a single drop of each on the collar as needed. We're applying weekly here, just because fleas are so horrible in this area. In addition to the three I use, I know people who use Cottonwood oil as part of their treatment. We're going to continue with the Trifexis, but I have several friends who use nothing but the oils and a commercial heartworm medication, and never have fleas. You can get any of the oils on Amazon, and they're really not expensive and last a long time.