Blue is acting funny


Well-Known Member
Owned by
1 cocker
I don't know whats up with blue, but the past two days he has been acting funny. When I get home from class he obviously wants to play, but when i run up to him as i always do he acts scared of me?! I have never kicked him or anything... Then when I squat down he runs up to me and wants me to rub his belly, so I do. Then I try to work on retrieving with him. He has always been incredibly smart and good at this even though he is very young, but half the time he won't run to the toy, and when he does, he just touches it and then stands there. He still sits and stays and all that, but won't fetch whatsoever. When I sit down with him he just runs up and jumps on my lap and lays there. I wonder if he is lonely or maybe not feeling well, or what the deal is. I did see him down the street when I went out earlier playing with the neighbors dogs and when I yelled for him to come home he acted scared as well. I need answers! Thanks!
How is his appetite and poop? I'm confused, when he was down the street, did he sneak out, or what?
His appetite is great, he eats two full bowls of food a day (morning/night) and drinks water all day long. Poop looks normal... And where my house is is out in farmers fields and stuff so I let him play in the yard as he pleases. I walked out to let him back in and he come running with their dogs from down the road. I am starting to think he is just lonely because I'm in class 1/2 the day, and he has no other person or dog to play with. I am looking into getting him a friend.
What people come into contact with Blue? As much as you think you trust your neighbors to let Blue roam don't trust them. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY MIGHT DO TO HIM.
Manuel is right , letting him roam is not a good idea. Maybe the neighbors are not wanting him there and are not being nice. Not only that but you don't know if the other dogs are healthy. Way too many dangers to let him run free.

If he is going to spend time outside it would be better to get an exercise yard or large run I think.
I agree wholeheartedly with Manuel and Diane. Whether you're in the country or not he could get hit, attacked by wild dogs or coyotes, or even taken. Then where would u be without Blue? If you love him like I think you do by the way you post, please don't let him run free or he may be running free at the rainbow bridge sooner than he should.

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I have to agree with everyone on keeping Blue on a leash when he is outside. With me Tasha is never alone outside.

When you are gone to class is Blue in a crate? He may be fearful that he is alone and your not coming back. A crate would give him some feeling of security. Tasha 1 would never fetch with me either. She used to love a game we called "find the treat" We would take 3 cups, hide and treat under one, shuffle them around and have her pick the right cup. We found that both Tasha's enjoy games where they have to use their minds.

Tasha 2 loves any toys that talk or make sounds, we usually get these cheap at TJ Maxx, infant type toys. Her favorite "cowie" vibrates and moo's She takes her everywhere, even outside to do their business.

Maybe fetching is just not stimulating enough for Blue.

You mentioned getting a friend, are you ready for a second pet? Will it be another cocker? I'm still debating the issue of a friend for Tasha.
I agree with everyone else. So many things could happen to Blue if he is let run free: mean dogs, wildlife, getting caught in a fence, hit by a car, getting into something that would make him sick, being taken by strangers, or even delibertly hurt by someone. Maybe your neighbors don't like him in their yard. Just because I have dogs doesn't mean I want someone else's dog in my yard. As a young pup he might not want that much freedom. It's probably scary for him. Just like a little child likes to feel safe and loved so does a puppy. If you are only gone half the day, crating him might be very good. Dogs come to look at their crates as their own little den and feel very safe in them. Farley will sometimes go into his for a nap when I am home.
Oh! Nick! I agree with everyone. Even in the country accidents can happen. What about hunting season, or, hunters out of season? They will shoot at anything. I remember when I was visiting Vern's sister, they got mad at me for going for a morning walk without wearing an orange vest. Someone may be hurting or scaring Blue for him to change like that.
Ok. Here is the story... I have somewhat fibbed (I am slightly embarrassed). I'm only 18 and a senior in HS. I live with my mom and my step-dad still. I come home today and Blue literally peed himself on the porch when I approached him. I finally went to my brother and asked him what is wrong with Blue and why he is acting scared. He told me that my step-dad (who is usually way nice so I don't get what his deal is) has been kicking him almost daily. Today included. I furiously called up my mom and told her about it. She promised me it will stop and it better. Blue has basically become my life and it hurts to think that he is that scared of me because of this. I'll update you guys more on what goes on. Sorry about the little white lie, but I didn't want to seem so young... (ALSO: I know I really need to let him inside all day, but my mom won't let him due to our house is brand new and she has never had an inside dog, plus that is another thing he has been a jerk about lately, so it's either let him be outside with fresh air or the garage, where my step-dad still complains-funny thing about him is if it was his dog, it would be fine) Thanks for the support guys.
No need to be embarrassed, I knew you were young.
What about him being in the garage in a crate while you are gone? At least he will be safe and have shelter. Perhaps soon you will be able to move out and do what you like with your dog. My mom is the exact same way and it took me moving out after I graduated to have an inside dog (a cocker of course).
I'd hate for you to lose Blue.

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Hi Nick, um, yikes! I burst into tears when I read this. My heart breaks for you both, because anybody who treats a puppy like that isn't likely to have much more respect your and your mom and brother. Is there anyway Blue can stay with a neighbor when you're at school? Is doggie daycare even remotely a financial possibility? This is very likely a situation that your mom cannot do anything about. If your step-dad is kicking your dog now... well, I'm glad you're 18; how old is your brother? I'm so sorry to be so blunt, Blue CANNOT stay there if you aren't there to protect him. He is being abused, and even if your step-dad is very likely breaking the law, by the time anything can be done Blue will have been through hell. Do whatever you have to (within the law) to get Blue out of this situation, even if it means giving him up until you can be on your own.
You seemed young but young people can be wonderful dog owners too. I do NOT like the way your step father is treating Blue. Not right at all and I hope it does stop now.

A crate in the garage might be good while you are gone and also maybe at night too. Would your mom let you keep Blue in your room if he is crated? Just a thought. I hope something works out well for you and Blue.
I wanted to add, is there some way you can protect Blue from your Step dad? You can see a big change in Blue in such a short time, imagine what he will be if your Stepdad continues to abuse Blue. He will go from a loving, happy dog to a fearful introverted dog. Although your mom says the abuse will stop, there is no guarantee. Could he stay at your dad's or some grandparents when you're not home?
I would call your humane society and tell them what's going on. Blue's situation is sort of desperate if he's being abused. You might want to let your friends on facebook know too just to see what they think--someone may come up with helpful idea for Blue.
I know. I have no idea why he is doing it, and my brother is 5. He says its not a hard kick, as if he were trying to kill it, but just something to scare him (almost even a slap on the head type deal, but still scary for a puppy) from doing things he shouldn't (chewing shoes, etc). My step dad has never done anything like this, and has always been very nice. He isn't a drunk or anything like that, just a farmer. I know its wrong, but I do actually believe it will stop just because of the fact my mom basically wears the pants in the family, no joke :p If it does happen one more time though, I can stay with my dad in Gunnison until the problem is solved. I am not going to let him ruin me or my dog. Its just ridiculous.
ALSO: If I play with Blue for a long time straight and shower him with "good boy", treats, belly rubs, and just let him lay on me, he becomes normal again, and is fine. I can't be sure (because he is 5) that he is actually kicking him daily (my step dad is usually very nice to animals so it seems unlikely) and it may have just been for chewing his boots (which I have caught him doing before... but yes still wrong). . . I will watch him over the next few days. I think his teeth are also bothering him (probably coming in) because he wont really chew anything harder then a blanket either and that used to be his favorite thing, to just lay there and chew his big raw-hide bone... I just don't really know. I hate to point the finger if he really isn't abusing him as Hayes says, because Hayes has been known to lie occasionally, but I don't want it to continue if it is. I'm torn.
Hope you are right about it stopping; it may be that step-dad is looking to control what little he can, and that could make him even harder on Blue. Perhaps something is changing for your step-dad that is causing new behavior (financial worries, etc). I am very much a city girl, but I do get how country and farm philosophy about dogs can be different. Kicking a puppy isn't cool by those standards, either. Is crating Blue in your bedroom an option? is the garage heated? I don't know the weather report in your town, but Gunnison is forecasting 23 degrees tonight.
Is there a chance of just sitting down with your step dad and asking him?