Christmas Card List


Staff member
Owned by
1 cocker
I'm starting the Christmas card list. If you have participated before and your address hasn't changed just reply to this post. If you're a brand new member (i.e. just joined, only a few posts), we have to decide whether to include you. If we don't have your address private message me with your information.

FYI: Some addresses are out of country (i.e. Canada) so keep that in mind. Also let us know if you decide later not to participate. If you have any suggestions let us know.

  1. Apollo_Moon
  2. ApolloShadow
  3. Bella Rose
  4. Betty
  5. cocker mom
  6. Cocker_Dad
  7. Coco's Mom
  8. DJ's Three
  9. Hersh'sMom
  10. karenwalksthedogs
  11. Manuel
  12. Nicole
  13. Polly
  14. precious pumpkin
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Okay, I've made a draft and will send it out later. Still need addresses from "Karen" and "Nicole." When I send out the draft let me know if you would like to change how your name(s) appears on the envelope.
Manuel, I participated last year. Isn't my address on the list? I'll PM it to you just in case.

I have yours. I thought there was another Karen.

Everyone, please look at my first post and make sure your name is there. The only address I don't have so far is from dmarie94 and I sent her a private message.
I have yours. I thought there was another Karen.

Everyone, please look at my first post and make sure your name is there. The only address I don't have so far is from dmarie94 and I sent her a private message.

Add me please!

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I thought I saw 2 appollos but thought it was a mistake. Let me check when I get home this morning.

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I've emailed everyone on the list with a draft. Please check for errors and make sure this is how you want your name to appear on the envelope. "Member..." is just for your information--don't include when mailing. Still waiting on Apollo Shadow's address.
Yes thank you Manuel, I got mine also. This time I saved it for you.