Do neighbors complain about your dogs?

"I heard someone yell "SHUT UP"... so I yelled back, YOU SHUT UP"

This made me laugh Linny! I did the same thing when we had Belle!. She would bark at our next door neighbor, one day he yelled shut up, I was in the house and said causually, "you shut up too"! Well, I guess he heard me and didn't talk to me for over a year! It probably wasn't very nice of me, but he was always so rude about animals in general.

Belle was a barker, she would bark at the air or leaf falling off the tree. I can't remember if Bess was a barker or not.

Patch is a barker, he loves it! Infact, today another neighbor was trimming a tree in his backyard and Patch was flipping out. No matter how times he sees the guy, he barks at him. Same with the guys next door (where the guy who said shut up use to live). They are stuntmen and work odd hours and if they happen to be in the backyard Patch will bark at them. One of them asked me if I had ever considered getting Patch a collar that sprayed their faces. Even worse are the dogs on the other side of him, they bark all day while the owners are working.
My neighbors never complain. They had 5 dogs at one point, and now they are down to 3. They are the cutest things. Vicki and my neighbors dogs sit and bark at each other through the fence as tho they are having a conversation. I always go out and tell Vicki to get inside, I don't like her barking, but because she is afraid of her own shadow, she is always out there making noise. I have never had problems with anyone when I walk her, the dogs behind the fences bark to remind them that we are near their territory, but never problems and we live in a very large housing area. You always see people walking, and walking with their dogs. Sorry that old man has a problem.

Diane, and Vicki