Dyan: Caught red-mouthed


Staff member
Owned by
2 cockers
I was walking Dylan this morning and when I looked down at him, his lips were all red. I was puzzled but kept on walking Dylan and Riley. Then Dylan pooped and it too was red! I thought and thought and then it dawned on me! On Valentine's Day Keith gave me a big bunch of flowers. It was so big it wouldn't fit in my normal vases. I had to use the one I keep the branches of red berries by the front door. I took the branches out and put them on my sewing desk. Sure enough I hurried home and, when we were out last night, Dylan must have discovered the berries. Unfortunatly he dragged them over to our blue and white checked couch in the same room. I currently have the cushion covers in the wash to see if I can get the red stains out.
Good thing the berries weren't poison! I've already concluded after 3 weeks of being owned by a cocker they will eat anything they haven't tried yet.My list just keeps growing. I actually mark on the calendar any day that goes by without an eating incident!
One word - OXYCLEAN. I have come to depend on this stuff and buy it by the 50 gallon drum (just kidding, but I go through a 10 lb tub every two weeks.

Glad the berries didn't make him sick. Pluto was such a laid back pup. He didn't eat anything. This new guy eats anything and everything that does not move, and if it does, he chases it! We have had a case of diarrhea already this week from the leaves he picks up. Woody was a good name for him. He has been picking ujp the wood chips in the garden so we had to remove them. You have to watch them every second and with eyes in the back of your head!
OH Dylan....you and Miss Hannah are a pair. One time I came out of the bedroom only to follow a pair of blue footprints down the hallway...across the hardwood in the kitchen...on to a new rug...where there awaited a large blue splat. Found Hannah on the couch finishing a snack of blue ballpoint pen!!!!

Luckily it was washable ink. Came off of the floor, the new rug and the couch. We had to wait for it to fade off of Hannah. Blue was a pretty color for her though.
Whew! The red came out in the wash. I think Dylan will look like he's wearing lipstick for a while, though!
Glad the berries didn't make him sick. Pluto was such a laid back pup. He didn't eat anything. This new guy eats anything and everything that does not move said:
Again, Miss Hannah (Maggie only eats ediables..but that is another story) got up on the picnic table and dug through a planter that I had gotten for Easter. She ate a flower bulb. It caused her horrible digestive problems which effected her for years. The vet could not figure out how she ate so much of it as it is suppose to be very bitter. She is alright now thought, thank goodness.
Oh my, ~~~
You should have take a picture of this but than maybe you shouldn't have ;)
Oh Dylan! Caught!!! I'm so glad they didn't hurt him Karen.
Besides Oxy-clean, Greased Lightening is also great, esp for oily stains... Bubby stepped in some grease and had it on his paws and walked on the throw rugs before I caught it but it all came out in the wash(Bubby's paws too). But it is good stuff and also use oxy-clean. Peggy & Bubby
I've never heard of Greased Lightning! I guess I better check it out!:)
Greased Lightening is great Polly, give it a try! Walmart and Target carry it.
I am wondering how too keep Coco out of the garbage in our kitchen. He has only been getting in the garbage now for about a month. Not sure if it is his age or what. He goes in his kennel at dinner time, and doesn't come out till everyone is done, so, I know he's not been fed ppl food.

If there is anything I give him, a small peice of bacon or chicken, it goes in his bowl so, he doesn't think its ppl food.

As for the wood chips in our garden, he picks them up but as soon as I walk towards him and say drop it, he does, I say NO then it goes back in the garden. With summer coming, I know its going to be hard to keep him out of the garden till the rose bush pricks him, then he might think twice haha.
oh no.......maybe he is related to my savannah!! she is always finding trouble
Coco's Mom:
We have a small waste basket in the bathroom. Gabby started knocking it over and making messes a couple years ago. Now we kept it over the toilet tank--end of problem though somewhat inconvenient. We have a heavy stainless steel waste basket in the kitchen. It's too tall and heavy to knock over. Actually, he could but it probably too much trouble. If there's something really tempting in your garbage like chicken bones you might want to empty your garbage to remove the temptation. Whatever solution you come up with, the sooner you stop the behavior the better.
I have a little 2 drawer file cabinet situated in my kitchen between my fridge and stove. I keep my kitchen tools in it and my oster clippers.
I keep my kitchen trash on top of that. No problems with trash snarfers...
I keep office trash cans on top of tables,kitchen food garbage goes in a 5 gal bucket under sink,paper is in a tall trash bin with lid,for the bathroom I just bought a small can with lid & foot lever that is working good so far.

Every single day Buttons finds something "new". Yesterday it was a bank bag,then a yellow tablet,took one of her sweaters upstairs & yes.....back on the DR table & nabbed the ear ointment!

She's knows this is naughty I'm certain,guess she figures it's always worth a try? Not like she doesn't have lots of toys......

and a word of caution about Greased Lightening,wear gloves & don't breathe the fumes,this stuff is toxic! (Does work great though).
Guess I'm just slow but as I was vaccuming the sewing room yesterday, I noticed some little redish spots in front of the couch. Guess I had been in there at night mostly and hadn't noticed. I used the Oxi Clean on the spots and they vanished. I then went over the area with the carpet cleaner and no red. The culpert is currently curled up next to me looking like an angel. Dylan, I think he'll always have a bit of the imp in him.
Newmommie said:
Every single day Buttons finds something "new". Yesterday it was a bank bag,then a yellow tablet,took one of her sweaters upstairs & yes.....back on the DR table & nabbed the ear ointment!

She's knows this is naughty I'm certain,guess she figures it's always worth a try? Not like she doesn't have lots of toys......
This is where obedience training pays off. We weren't very good doggie parents and never took Gabby to any obedience courses. Gabby now takes any item "hostage" he comes across. If Gabby comes across something he knows he shouldn't have he'll show it to us and threaten to chew it until we give him a treat. Are we rewarding bad behavior or what? :lol:. If we don't give Gabby a treat in exchange he'll "kill" the hostage (ie. hat, glove, ramen noodle package, etc.) making a mess in the process.
karenwalksthedogs said:
Guess I'm just slow but as I was vaccuming the sewing room yesterday, I noticed some little redish spots in front of the couch. Guess I had been in there at night mostly and hadn't noticed. I used the Oxi Clean on the spots and they vanished. I then went over the area with the carpet cleaner and no red.
Glad to hear it works. I remember it the next time we have that problem.
Don't feel bad Manuel . . . all of my dogs get LOTS of obedience training (since I enjoy it so much) . . . and they all steal anything they can. They just don't take it hostage - when I ask for it, they give it to me. The whole "trade it" thing is how I first start teaching "leave it" so you're doing the right thing with Gabby. The only thing is, he's training YOU, not the other way around ;)

As for the garbage, the only way to reliably keep Cockers out of the garbage in my experience is to put it behind doors or put a lid on it. I have very smart dogs (sometimes, anyhow), and they KNOW when there's garbage around. Our kitchen garbage is under the sink, bathroom garbages are higher up, and my bedroom garbage is on my dresser. Sometimes outwitting them is easier than trying to break an ingrained habit.