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My older Cocker Spaniel has developed ear problems. I have spent several dollars on trying to get to the bottom of the issue.
The vet has cleaned and packed the ears 2-3 times and now we are at the point where the vet has decided that surgery is the
only option. The only problem is, he cannot promise her ears will heal from the surgery.
I am hoping someone knows and can suggest anything that might help.

Thank you
I’m not sure here once the vet has suggested surgery. What kind of surgery is he suggesting? Is is an ablation? That’s pretty permanent. I would, however, take a copy of your pups medical records and check with another vet. It doesn’t hurt to have another opinion.
I’m not sure here once the vet has suggested surgery. What kind of surgery is he suggesting? Is is an ablation? That’s pretty permanent. I would, however, take a copy of your pups medical records and check with another vet. It doesn’t hurt to have another opinion.
I so much agree with Karen who suggested another opinion. Your Vet might be right on but before I’d agree to any surgery, even for myself, I’d get a second opinion. As for cockers and their ears, I’ve owned 4 so far and all of them had ear problems except for my current little guy and he’s only a year old. Cocker Spaniels are noted for ear infections and even deafness as they get older. ATB ear drops were always in my medicine cabinet for my cockers and ear washes were constant. Many times it was a yeast infection which you can smell ( pretty foul ). My vet said most of it was due to their ears being long and covering the opening and preventing air to circulate. Instead, they become moist and draw bacteria My first cocker that my husband and I had finally lost his hearing when he got older because of the severe infections he would get
Anyway, good luck with this problem and be sure to keep us posted on what you end up doing
I have an 11 year old cocker spaniel. Four vets have seen her. Over the past few years, I have been taking her to an allergist - am giving her prescription food and religiously cleaning/medicating ears. I wanted so much to avoid the surgery. One ear is no longer responding to medication and is severely infected. The problem is, that although I now desperately want to have the surgery done, the vets who do this say they are not scheduling "elective" surgery. (This includes Tufts as well as a vet hospital 1 hour away near Boston) They say that due to the current crisis in the U.S. only life of death surgeries will be done. (One surgeon saw her, agreed she needs it, but can't schedule). The specialist and two vets in the practice she goes to agree it isn't elective.
She's a wonderful dog, a trooper and is on oral antibiotics and pain meds and doesn't show that she is any pain (except when vet cleans ear and puts in a antibiotic pack.
What a tragedy that our beautiful animals are also suffering during this situation!
By the way, did the vet literally say "I can't promise he will heal after surgery?' If ears don't respond to antibiotics, what choice do you have?
Still, you need to make sure that the person who does this ear surgery has done it many times.
Good luck
Sorry to hear about your cocker. Usually they try to subdue the infection before going ahead with surgery for the best outcome. But I’m surprised they won’t do surgery.
I’m not sure here once the vet has suggested surgery. What kind of surgery is he suggesting? Is is an ablation? That’s pretty permanent. I would, however, take a copy of your pups medical records and check with another vet. It doesn’t hurt to have another opinion.
Yes TECA is permanent. I spent the last 2 years taking her to specialists. I've tried so desperately to keep her from having this surgery. But once diet, allergy treatments, ear cleanings and a range of antibiotics stop working and you see pus in an inflamed ear, it's time to do it. Believe me, before I saw her ear like this, I did not want to do it. Wish there were a cure!

She is having weekly professional (at vet) cleanings and an antibiotic pack in ear (done by a technician) in addition to what I can do at home.
Note to all cocker owners: GET PET HEALTH INSURANCE WHEN YOU GET YOUR DOG BEFORE THEY GET ILL! I had it early, canceled it, but re-subscribed. Unfortunately ears are not covered (they said she had some type of skin flair up that counted as a pre-existing condition. Ear treatments and surgery are not covered - other things are - thank goodness.

Thank goodness I'm able to still work!
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Sorry to hear about your cocker. Usually they try to subdue the infection before going ahead with surgery for the best outcome. But I’m surprised they won’t do surgery.
Hi Manuel,
In Massachusetts, they are doing minimal vet surgeries (at least within an hour radius of me) due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Tufts and another hospital said they only do it in life or death cases. The vets who have seen her have said they don't consider this elective.

Here, we stay in the car and a tech comes and takes the dog in to the vet- we can't go in with them!

It's awful worrying about a dog and feeling helpless. The pain killers they prescribed seem to help her.. She sleeps, eats and still is the best natured, sweet dog. I'm still hopeful about her getting surgery.
Good news today! A veterinary hospital contacted me and scheduled Lily's surgery for April 23! (Unless Covid-19 situation impacts schedule) Never thought I would be thankful to have her get TECA surgery, but it's necessary.