
Mary Glenda

The Mama
Owned by
2 cockers
Both my girls get itchy ears and we were told to use MalOtic by my vets. He said they have yeast in thier ears. It works somewhat but I was wondering what else might be out there. As I said I live in the hicks.
I know some ear cleaners have alcohol in them and I cannot use them in Prissillas' ears as she gets worse and then we have to go to the vets as her ears turn red and aprear to feel like they are on fire. The vet said some people and dogs are allergic to alcohol , even a tiny bit.
Thanks and hugs
Mary G
I use Linny's recipe for blue power on my dogs ears.. but it's alcohol based so it won't work for your little one. I'm sure another here will have some suggestions for you..
For yeast, I like to use lotrimin creme, and double check to see if it's the food causing the brown stinky yeasty beasties.

Another one is mometamax, from vet. Good for yeast.

Can also try a vinegar and water mix.
Has anybody tried the Blue Power or Zim Family Recipe, but with Hydrogen Peroxide instead of Rubbing Alcohol? Seems to me I read about some such variant, but can't find the link now.
I use blue power, it's been around so long.. Linny has the recipe on her website and that's what I use. I've never heard of subbing Hydrogen Peroxide... sounds like a good plan. Linny?? Manuel??

For those of you that don't know Manuel very well yet.. he's very knowledgable also, he's a Nurse^_^ He's around all the time, but he works 12 hour shifts.. he just takes his laptop with him to work.

And, his posts always make sense, even when he's sleep deprived!:p

I forgot to add.. I have a great book. It's called The Whole Pet Diet, Eight Weeks to Great Health for Dogs & Cats by Andi Brown.. great refrence book.
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I use the Zim forum recipe . . . it's easier to get those ingredients here, and it works well. I'm not sure about substituting the rubbing alcohol for peroxide though . . . I will leave that up to somebody with more chemical knowledge to comment on.
Polly said:
For those of you that don't know Manuel very well yet.. he's very knowledgable also, he's a Nurse He's around all the time, but he works 12 hour shifts.. he just takes his laptop with him to work.

And, his posts always make sense, even when he's sleep deprived!
Off Topic: I've been working as an RN for 16yrs in med-surg, telemetry, ICU and ER. Some hospitals don't give us Internet access. Other hospitals ban certain sites like MSN groups. It made following my board difficult. I'm lucky this hospital gives us access and it's handy when I'm trying to stay awake at 3am. :sleepy:
LOL Manuel...i work 12 hour shifts too...graveyard currently...i know the 3am feeling.

My sister is an RN also in cardiology ICU. She works for a county hospital in Los Angeles....
Blue Power Ear Treatment Recipe

"Ear Treatment for Cockers"
This is old ear treatment that was passed down from several vets. This is the recipe I received (the ingredient list and recipe) back in the mid 60's from my vet, who got it from another vet and so on. No one knows exactly how this recipe came about although similar recipes have been found with a different name in old home remedy books from the 1920's. This a tested and true recipe that has a very high success rate if used correctly. A similar recipe, Blue Power Ear Treatment, is a very popular treatment and the ingredients are similar. To see this recipe,and any updated notations, please visit http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/BLUE.HTM
*DISCLAIMER-This is NOT the "Blue Power Ear Treatment" recipe; This is a compilation of an old recipe that has been around at least for 80 years.

IMPORTANT! This treatment is for external use only ..so be careful not to get into the eyes or mouth.

You can buy all of these ingredients at a pharmacy. If you have problems finding gentian violet, generally the pharmacy can order it for you.


16 Oz. Isopropyl Alcohol OR Witch Hazel OR Listerine
4 Tablespoons Boric Acid Powder
1/8 Teaspoon Gentian Violet Solution 1%

Dump approximately 2 ounces of alcohol OR witch hazel OR listerine out of bottle. Mix ingredients together into the alcohol,witch hazel or listerine bottle and shake well.
Make sure to shake solution every time you use it to remix the Boric Acid into the solution.
To use, a small baby ear syringe works best to dispense solution to affected ears, but you can also use a saturated cotton ball to dispense it with.

TREATMENT: Check the ears carefully before treating. If the ear is very inflamed or sore, wait until inflammation has eased up some.
Do NOT use if the eardrum is ruptured.
Shake the bottle well before using.
Put cotton balls or similar absorbent material under and around their ear.
The mixture can and does stain , so make sure you are careful about this.
Squeeze solution into the ear well, (gently squirt ear syringe), massage gently
for about a minute and then wipe off with a cotton ball or clean tissue.
Repeat and leave solution in ear without cleaning it out, the 1st time it's done.

The SCHEDULE of treatment is as follows:
Treat twice a day for the first week to two weeks depending
upon severity of the condition of the ears.
Then treat once a day for the next 1 to 2 weeks.
After the 2nd or 3rd day you can clean out the ear with a tissue or cotton balls.
After condition has cleared, Treat once a month to maintain healthy ears.
Yeah, that's how it's written up in one of the books -- I forgot the author now. Anyhow, I've been using that recipe for 10 years, and now, you can buy it online from several different companies.

Each one has a little something different added to it, say, lavendar oil, but the one I like the most has coloidal silver added in it. Good for people who can't find the ingredients or don't have time to make it.
The variant for a non-alcohol based Zim ear formula is Witch Hazel not hydrogen peroxide.
Or you can try this one from a Labrador Retriever site;

This is the best solution I have used when it comes to gucky ears. It was given to me years ago by a veterinarian.

16 oz. bottle isopropyl alcohol (or witch hazel)
4 tablespoons Boric Acid Powder
16 drops Gentian Violet 1% Solution

Mix all ingredients in the alcohol bottle & shake. (make sure you shake before every application).

Treatment: Fill ear with solution & massage gently for 30 seconds and wipe with a tissue. Fill a second time and just wipe without massaging. The dog will shake the excess out. Be careful, the Gentian Violet could stain. I use a eye dropper to fill the ear.

2 times per day for the first 2 weeks
1 time per day for the next 2 weeks
1 time per month thereafter

If you are concerned about the alcohol burning the inside of the ear (it could if the dog has been scratching its ear), then you can substitute the alcohol with witch hazel.

Hope this helps,

New member
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Have to admit it but I use a commercial mix recommended by my vet. It is Corium-20, the primary ingredients look to be water and denatured alcohol. I use it a couple times a month along with a 2" gauze pad on my pinky to keep the ears clean. It also has a little fragrance in it to help with the smell. I then follow it with a round of mometamax.

Even though I think it's more intended for ear mites, the vet also suggested switching off the mometamax to tresaderm once in awhile to keep the ears from developing an immunity to mometamax.

Seems to be working, but as we all know it's an ongoing battle.