Gabby teaching Hoshi bad habits


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1 cocker
Tonight, I saw Hoshi snap back at Gabby. :O I've never seen Hoshi snap before except play. Hoshi almost had to because Gabby was snapping at him. Neither of them were actually biting each other. Gabby has terrible food aggression. I filled 2 treat balls for both of them. Gabby wanted BOTH of them. Hoshi tried to get one and Gabby snapped at him. Gabby will bite you if you're not careful. Anyways, I don't want Hoshi to become food aggressive like Gabby. What can I do to prevent it?
I would keep them separated when they have stuff like treat balls . . . just to prevent Gabby from trying to take Hoshi's food/treats.

Farley is very food protective, and he growls and snaps and everything. I have seen Jack Jack growl at both Farley & Grace when they try to take his food, but he never has an issue with me coming close and taking his food, or adding to it.

I think it's natural for Hoshi to snap back if Gabby is trying to take his food . . . he's protecting his own meal. Just keep them separated, and that should help a lot.
Tonight, I saw Hoshi snap back at Gabby. :O I've never seen Hoshi snap before except play. Hoshi almost had to because Gabby was snapping at him. Neither of them were actually biting each other. Gabby has terrible food aggression. I filled 2 treat balls for both of them. Gabby wanted BOTH of them. Hoshi tried to get one and Gabby snapped at him. Gabby will bite you if you're not careful. Anyways, I don't want Hoshi to become food aggressive like Gabby. What can I do to prevent it?

crate one of them with the treats
I sure would seperate them.. My Pep also is a little food agressive, he eats seperately.. and with treats, he gets his seperately also.
All mine are fed in their own areas - feeding stations if you will. Treats are not so separate but I have to make sure Coco's out of the way cause Merlin will go after him. Kong-filled treats are strictly for their individual cubbies. Since Merlin came, Coco has prefered dining outside or in his cubby if it's raining. His choice - not mine. But he's safer that way.