Getting an adult cocker spayed


Well-Known Member
Owned by
1 cocker
Pika is my 4 y/o cocker. We've had her about a month and tomorrow she's getting spayed! I've always had male dogs and the neutering seemed low key. I'm going to be home the first three days after her surgery. Does her age make a difference? I'd spoken to coworkers that suggest that since she's an adult she'll have a more difficult recovery than if she were a pup. any words of wisdom or advice are welcome.

I'm looking forward to going to the dog park when she's back to herself. I was apprehensive about taking to the Park her before we got her spayed. We're not looking forward to the next week to 10 days, but can't wait for the fun to follow!


Jenn ( Pika's owner)
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it's a more serious operation, but I've (we've) never encountered any issues with a spay.

She's till pretty young in my book.
The keeping quiet and restricting movement cannot be stressed enough. Even doing so however, things still can happen. This is how Polly and I lost our Carmen last November. :crybaby:

Spaying and neutering is still very important though and the benefits still outweigh the bad.

Good luck with your baby's surgery and keep us posted.
Yes Pika
Good luck with the spay. I have had rescues all my life. Carmen who I was to get from Robin would have been my very first cocker that I would know the history of, the birthday of etc.. All of my female rescues went thru their spay right at the animal shelter's vets and never a problem.

We will all say cocker prayers for your little girl. She will be fine.
I know have Stormy from Robin, and as soon as I build up my courage, and when Michael isn't home, I will have him neutered.. :crybaby:
He won't be used as a stud anylonger now that he's with us, so it's best for him I know.

Pika is with the Vet now. They just called and said she was pregnant. We're going ahead with the spay anyway. I feel horrible. We've had her between 3-4 weeks and she hasn'r been out of my sight or off leash. She must have been pregnant when we got her!
I'm glad you're having it done anyhow. We have had to do this too -- sometimes it just happens, even happens thru crates and pens.. those hussy little girls just can't help it.

It will be ok. Hugs and thank you for not bringing more pups in to this world ... we have enough dogs that need homes already
When I adopted my Tunie.. she was so sick. She had an infection and she was pregnant. I asked my vet what to do and he said to go ahead with the spay, so I did, it enabled her to recover better and she had been a breeder for someone and was kept pregnant most of her life. She is a happy girl now. She is so well behaved and quiet I have never regretted my decision. She is an old gal and I'm glad I have been able to give her comfort in her golden years.^_^
One unicomfortable girl

Pika is home, she's had some water and even ate some wet food. She's not overly impressed with moving around, but she's doing much better than I had expected! That being said, she's only been home for a few hours!
glad that's over, but I am surprised they let her leave. We like the girls to stay overnight.

Need to keep her very still -- but as you can see, she won't be moving much tonight.

They probably gave you some Dermaxx for pain. It helps

I usually just take them to bed and cuddle them all night
Glad Pika is home. Do keep her quiet as can be. She will be fine, such a pretty brown girl.^_^
Do keep her calm and quiet especially important the next 3 days. Good luck and healing paws to, shall we say, Mrs. Pika.
I'm surprised the vet didn't know she was prego before the surgery.
Glad the ordeal so far has gone well.:luv:
I am glad to hear it went well!! I hope she has a quiet and peaceful recovery!!
So glad your Pika is home. I know how we worry about our babies. Hope her recovery is quick and she is back to her old self soon.
The recovery continues

All is well. Pika's back to herself....Now I just have to keep her relatively inactive for another week and a half......