Grooming Video by Fostermom

yeah, that is me speed grooming, as the camera only holds so much memory :'( at a time

After the speed grooming, I would go back and clean up any ickys and tighten it all up.

But it was just to show people where to start, how they should look and give an idea of what the Mosers are like. THey are really nice for cockers.
Thank you SO much for going to the trouble to post this video...I watched it and it is very helpful. Now just to wait for my girls hair to grow out so I can try these techniques. Thank you again!!! :):)
Linda you have nice speaking voice and provided excellent instructions for clipping. You handle clippers like a pro. Your videos are too short though--good teasers for more to come. ^_^
Wow - great mini-lesson! I gotta go back and watch the top knot thingy again (probably mutiple times for sure). I'm seeing so much I do entirely wrong already. :p Wonder can you do one on the feet? Mine are problems in that territory for sure! No one likes the feet messed with except for Mozie. Thanks FM!!
Yeah, I'll be doing more, but they some out so short, and it's hard to show me doing the finishing touches with such a short video.

Ling Ling is only half groomed, HAHAHA
Linny helped me a great deal with topknots.. and I'm just now feeling like I like the way my crews feet look.. after doing my cockers for over 20 year LOLOL..