Hello everyone...


Owned by
3 cockers
Hi everyone.

My name is Jeff and I love Cocker Spaniels.

I have a 13 year old girl (Buffy) and a 10 year old boy (Rex).

I am deeply saddened right now because we have to put Rex down today. He was diagnosed with late-stage hemangiosarcoma of the spleen. It all started about 5 weeks ago when he began losing weight. At first we didn't catch on because we were actually trying to exercise him more and reduce is caloric intake. Then one day he stopped eating. We took him to the local vet who suspected it was due to a food allergy (his ears were infected). He prescribed us some oral steroids and told us to change his diet to fish. Rex began eating again but less than normal. About 12 days ago he stopped eating all together. Not even treats or human food. We brought him back into the vet and a series of tests, blood work, x-ray, ultrasound, were performed. They found a massive tumor on his slpeen. It took another 2 days to determine if the tumor was malignant and whether it had spread.

The vet claimed that the liver came back negative and that we could operate. However, the prognosis is extremely poor, even with chemotherapy he would only be expected to live 4-6 months. But his quality of life would be severely compromised. It was a difficult decision but we did not want Rex to have to suffer through a major surgery only to die several months after. For the past 4-5 days Rex has been on pain killers, appetite stimulants and steroids so we can take this opportunity to say goodbye and to show him how much we love him.

His most favorite activity in the world is going for walks. He loves this more than anything. When he was younger he would spend hours sun bathing by himself in the backyard. Even though he's so weak and hasn't eaten himself (I've been force feeding him small amounts of baby food) he still has energy for the park. We spent 3 hours yesterday at this amazing dog park where there were literally over 200 dogs running around. He was so excited and happy I believe he forgot he was even sick.

We are going to take him out one last time today and then the vet will come to our house in the evening to put him to sleep.

My wife and I have been absolutely devastated. I have never experience the type of pain I am going through right now. I'm looking at him as I'm typing this and I have no idea how I will be able to grief the loss of my boy. He is truly my best friend. To make matters worse Buffy has been suffering from a severe heart condition for two years now. They have been life companions and I'm very worried how she will cope with his loss. When Rex was a puppy, Buffy took on the maternal role and would clean his face every morning. She continued to do this as they both grew older. She's been acting strange lately, so I suspect she knows something is wrong. I'm very concerned how she will handle losing Rex tonight.

I apologize for the depressing first message. I hope everyone will take full advantage of the time you have with your special Cocker Spaniel. They are amazing pets and this breed will always have a very special place in my heart.


PS. Here are a couple of short youtube videos of Rex and Buffy at the park from yesterday.



Welcome to My Cocker Spaniel. I'm so sorry, all of us have walked in your shoes. Rex will be pain free and running at the Rainbow Bridge with all of our departed furry children. {{{{{{}}}}} We will be here for you. Welcome. I'm so sorry it's at this terrible painful time for you. Your posts will be moderated for a short wile. We will ge to them as fast as we can. {{{{}}}
Hi and welcome, I am so sorry you are coming to us at such a difficult time. As Polly said we have all been down this road and know the pain it can bring. There is not much anyone can say to ease it right now, that too will come with time. Hugs to you and your boy at this difficult time. :(
Hi Jeff. I can't even imagine what your going through. We are glad you are here though, and trust me. These people will help you through some of the hardest times as an owner of a cocker.
Thanks everyone...

My baby boy Rex is now in doggie heaven. He fell asleep very comfortably in our arms an hour ago.

This morning we brought him to the Point Isabel dog park one last time. Despite not feeling very comfortable he still had an amazing time at the park. Every time he saw another dog his little tail wagged like crazy. He was truly happy. When we came home we parked the car and took him on one final walk to the park he always goes to. Again he was so happy stiffing every single tree.

I miss him so much already. He will always be the most amazing cocker spaniel boy in the world.
Hi Jeff, deepest condolences for your family's loss. We have one cocker, Nicholas, who is 14, and are thinking of adding a second before his time comes. RIP Rex, you were well-loved.
This is possibly the saddest introduction. Thanks for sharing Rex's videos with us. Sending prayers to your family.
Hi Jeff, deepest condolences for your family's loss. We have one cocker, Nicholas, who is 14, and are thinking of adding a second before his time comes. RIP Rex, you were well-loved.

Hi Deborah,

Thanks for the kind message.

By the way my first dog was also an American cocker. His name was Delta. I bought Buffy as a puppy when Delta was 11 (near the end of his life) and it really affected him. He thought he was being replaced. Out of curiosity has Nicholas ever had another companion? Its a great name, I love it.
Hi Manuel,

Sorry for the sad intro. I wish I had found this website years ago. It has so many resources and all the posters are super supportive.
Jeff I'm so sorry for your loss. But you can always take comfort in the fact that his last day was filled with joy. That you sent him to the Rainbow Bridge with a smile on his face. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}
Welcome to the forum. We all love Our wiggle butts here. I am so sorry about Rex. I am going to go give lot's of hugs and kisses to Pumpkin now.
Hi Deborah,

Thanks for the kind message.

By the way my first dog was also an American cocker. His name was Delta. I bought Buffy as a puppy when Delta was 11 (near the end of his life) and it really affected him. He thought he was being replaced. Out of curiosity has Nicholas ever had another companion? Its a great name, I love it.

Thanks; his full name is Nicholas Cockervich Nobarkoff. We've had a few dogs who are regular overnight guests, and a neighbor cat who came down for playdates, but two have died, and two have moved. And after eight years of going most everywhere with me, he's just able to get out and about the same way. He seems lonely, and a little bored. The rescue dog we met this weekend is 5 years old, and just lost her elderly human. She and Nicholas really hit it off. Our vet is in agreement. Since I'm home all day, both dogs will get lots of time and attention, together and separately. How is Buffy coping with the loss of Rex? The videos are so lovely.
Thanks; his full name is Nicholas Cockervich Nobarkoff. We've had a few dogs who are regular overnight guests, and a neighbor cat who came down for playdates, but two have died, and two have moved. And after eight years of going most everywhere with me, he's just able to get out and about the same way. He seems lonely, and a little bored. The rescue dog we met this weekend is 5 years old, and just lost her elderly human. She and Nicholas really hit it off. Our vet is in agreement. Since I'm home all day, both dogs will get lots of time and attention, together and separately. How is Buffy coping with the loss of Rex? The videos are so lovely.

If the dogs got along that would be such an ideal situation. By the way I think its amazing how so many people on this site adopt.

Buffy seems to be okay... She sleeps a lot so when she's up we try to pet her, take her for short walks, and play with her.
Jeff, I am so sorry for your loss, cockers sure do leave a huge pawprint on our hearts. I lost my buff cocker, Tasha (1) in October 2009, she was my trained service dog, together we have traveled all over the world. I am know owned by Tasha 2.0, she is two and is already considered a trained service dog, she does have some big paws to fill. Tasha (1) learned over 19 tasks.

I made a shadow box memorial for Tasha (1), it contains some of her collars, dog tags, service animal patches, and lots of scrapbook items like a Christmas tree, pumpkin, cows, even remnants of a five dollar bill, all of the things that bring back some very fond memories for me, I hung it over my PC.

When you’re ready, please share with us some of the fond memories you have with Rex and Buffy, we’d love to hear them.

BTW, My very first cocker spaniel, born on the same day I was, also had the name “Rex”
Welcome to the board Jeff, it is a sad intro but I am glad that you have found us. I came to this board after finding the AOL Cockerspaniel Board. I too, out of sadness found that board. I was trying to find answers after having lost two cockers within ten months of each other. Booker. 13y/o first of an auto-immune disease and then Phreddie at 17 y/o.

This is a great board and I consider many on this board to be old friends, who have laughed togeather, cryed togeather and prayed togeather.

We are from Washington State, with three cocker girls who are spoiled beyond belief. Hannah, Maggie and Zoe' keep our lives filled with love and laughter. I can't imagine our lives with out a cocker in it.

I hope that you enjoy it as much as we do. And look forward to hearing more about your adventures with Buffy and sharing memories of Rex.
Welcome to the group. I am Randy from Ohio (originally from Maine). We are owned by Rusty, a 3 y/o cocker and RJ, a 5 y.o springer. Sorry about Rex. It's hard to let go of our babies. We had to have our Butters put down in January. Rex had made lots of new friends at the Bridge to keep him company until you met again.
Jeff, what a wonderful thing you did for Rex! It is never easy for us to let them go. You gave him a wonderful day and let him go with dignity. Several of our furkids are with him. He is playing with them. They will meet us someday.

I am so sorry for your loss. Each and every dog. I mean furry member of our families are so special and touch our lives and hearts. One day he might lead another dog to you.