Hello from Arkansas


Well-Known Member
Owned by
2 cockers
I'm Jackie and I live in central AR with my husband and 5 dogs, two of which are my cocker spaniels Sage and Saffron. Sage is the oldest, a 9 year old buff boy and Saffron is a 6 year old white and buff girl. We look forward to meeting everybody:)
Hello Jackie
I'm Polly and I live in California with hubby Michael and our 4 cockers. Welcome to MCS, we are a small close group of friends who love each other and our cockers! We look forward to getting to know you and we love pictures. Welcome!
Hello Jackie

I'm Carol and I live in Florida with my retired police officer husband and our two cocker boys. Pluto is a 3 year old buff American cocker and Woody is our 7 month old red English cocker boy.
Welcome Jackie. I'm Manuel. I have 2 cockers. Gabby is my oldest at 15 years who doesn't do much except sleep. Hoshi is my 6 month old wild child. You'll find member pictures under the Community link above. Feel free to add your own pics when you have a chance. We'd love to see your furbabies.
Welcome Jackie,

I am DJ from Washington State. We are owned and loved (the feeling is mutual) by three little cocker girls: Hannah, Maggie and Zoe'. You can see pictures of them in our album.

The people on this board are great. hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Welcome Jackie!
I'm carly and i live in southern Oklahoma with Bella my buff american cocker spaniel...i hope you find this board as useful as i do!
Hello and welcome from Florida! I have 5 cocker spaniels ranging in age from 2 to near 14 years all rescues and one mouthy parakeet.
Welcome Jackie and furkids. I am Randy and am in Ohio with Butters, my laid back 12 year old cocker and R.J., my full of energy 3 year old springer. Butters and I moved here from Maine two years ago. Can't wait to see pictures.
Welcome. I too would like to see pics. I live in Northwestern OK in Enid with my 6 cockers, one foster cocker and one min pin. Feel free to go to my website to see my dogs.
Welcome. I'm Roy, I live in MD with my wife and our 2 cockers, 14-year old (tomorrow) Precious and 21-month old Bailey. Lots of great people and great information here.
Hi, Jackie, Sage, and Saffron....love your dogs' names...very aromatic!!!!

I'm Judy from Connecticut, with Frankie, a black cocker who is 4. We do have some pictures on my album.

Welcome to this really special forum. Everyone is very nice, and many are very knowledgeable about cocker spaniels, and willing to share their knowledge.