Invisible Dogs?


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2 cockers
Why is it whenever I even THINK about brushing out the dogs both of them turn invisible? If someone came to may house they would think no dogs lived here because there are none to be seen- just a lot of beds, toys, and dog dishes. Both dogs completely disappear behind couches and under furniture. One would think I was bringing out the paw screws or the doggie sized iron maiden instead of a brush and some ear cleaner. I read dog books and they speak of the relaxing bonding time spent grooming your dog. I wonder what breed of dog this is, perhapse a Chinese Crested which is probably rubbed gently with a soft piece of flannel and its little hairs are softly brushed with a little baby brush. It's not like either of the boys needs much brushing since we regularly groom. Does anyone have a cocker spaniel that loves to be groomed?
:lol: Put some raw steak on your brush. They might magically reappear. Gabby hates it too.
Love grooming? That's pushing it but Mozart does verrry well on the table despite his youth. He even will lay on his side for me to get his belly and all. When I first got Maxwell I had to chase him all over the table! And it took years for me to trim his nails without RR and plenty of cold apple slices! Monte hides, Charlie's not too bad, Coco bites. All good fun! ;)
Hmm... well, with as many as I've had, I cant say any of them loved to be groomed. My Benny was good though. I didnt even have to noose him. He would just stand there and let me groom away till I was done. Peaches is pretty good too. Bear is ok... he's blind, so he's ok as long as I'm talking to him. Now the others are another story. They were/are all fidgets. Like trying to groom moving targets.. grumbling and turning their backs on me and trying to slip out of the noose and jump off the table. Murphy was the worst. It would take me an hour just to do his face.. and it felt like I just went 15 rounds with George Foreman by the time I was done with him. Kyle is no treat to groom either, and he HATES to be brushed. He just needs to see a brush and he's GONE. I keep a trash can halfway under the grooming table so I can push the excess fur into it while I'm cutting them, and he fell into the can more than once while trying to get away. Odie fell in a few times too. Lacey is fidget extraordinairre. Wont stay still for one second. Lets just say that grooming is a good aerobic workout and calorie burner for all involved here.. especially ME.
None of mine really love grooming . . . but they're very used to it, since they NEED a lot of it. But I've always wondered how mine learned to read minds, since they hide as soon as I even think about giving them a bath.
MIne are very good for grooming, I don't have any problems with them. Well, I have to say as Riley has gotten older he is getting very tender skinned so I am very careful with him since little pulls do seem to hurt him more. They just disappear when it's time to be groomed and then stand there with the attitude that says they would rather be doing almost anything else.
All three of them are pretty good, it is not their favortie thing to do but they will stand there without trying to get off the table. They do however also pull the disapearring act that Riley and Dylan do. As soon as they see me sete up the table they start finding ways to avoid me. I lock them all in the laundry room once I am ready to start. While one is on the table the others set on their bed and watch me very carefully. Once they are done they have to sniff all over each other to make sure that I haven't done anything wrong. I have them groomed and clipped about every 6 weeks but do the touch-ups, teeth, ears and brushing at least 1 time a week on the table.

Funny thing is that Maggie loves to have her ears brushed. Her little tail goes a mile a minute when I am doing them. She loves to have you pull up her ears (like you are going to put them in a pony tail) gently tugging on them, running them through your hands.
I am happy to say, and will have to video it, Coco actually likes getting groomed now. I have purchased a comb so, not only does he get a daily brushing but, now we comb over everywhere just to make sure there are no mats. He looks gorgous after being brushed. I will take a before and after shot one day.
Looking forward to it. Coco is fun to watch on video. ^_^
Loved the videos. Now we have proof some doggies love to be groomed.
Reagan doesn't disappear, but she puts her head down and wiggles her tail when the ear cleaner comes out.

Coco is too cute. I love how excited he gets and he is such a beautiful baby!
Mine did one better I decided to bathe them before bed one night. They both went to bedroom fine but once they heard my fill the tub they RAN and hid under the computer desks. when I went to find them they ran and both hid in the same dog cage (only have one). I was amazed because they are not known to cuddle each other or even like to touch each other.

I got my girl out of the cage and put her in the bathroom when I went back for my boy I got a little growl and had to tip the cage over to get him out.
after that bathe time went fine.