Looks Like It's Asha's Time!!!!

# 3 is finally here!!! He's a boy.. not sure of the color yet.
He's 8.2 and Robin thinks he's a black sable like his older brother.
Sooooo....a few questions while we wait. Is this the average size for newborn cocker babies? And is Asha just taking her time or is this about on schedual?
Please meet
Sparkling raindrop aka sparkle
Brown Girl! Puppy #2

A Chocolate Raindrop :) at that
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DJ, I have had puppies (whoa I am now in italics) There that's better. I have had puppies weigh as little as 3 ounces (few and far between) make it with a little tlc, to as big as 11 ounces. A size to expect probably is 6-9 ounces. Asha is doing things her way for sure. Whelping can take a long time from start to finish, with long pauses inbetween, and every whelping can be completely different. =)
So we have two black sable boys and a brown girly. Where is my brown sable Asha? Hiding it are you....
DJ, I have had puppies (whoa I am now in italics) There that's better. I have had puppies weigh as little as 3 ounces (few and far between) make it with a little tlc, to as big as 11 ounces. A size to expect probably is 6-9 ounces. Asha is doing things her way for sure. Whelping can take a long time from start to finish, with long pauses inbetween, and every whelping can be completely different. =)

That's good to know.
Whew I can't quite see straight lol. Robin drove to Walmart to pick up a heat lamp for the babies.
Robin is saying that Asha is acting like she is done. She took some yougert.

Robin is now looking for names that use both "Storm" and "Ash" in them.. Asha's sire is Haulin Ash
Jen just reminded Robin that Allee had a 9 hour welping pause....