Love my wigglebutt!


New Member
It is great to find this forum. I am a new owner of a wonderful dog. We are still house training him and we think that he had just spent his life in a cage. He has been debarked. He came to us very ill. The rescue group I found him at was not a Cocker group, at this point we rescued him from them. He was limping and we were told he has been to the vet and had a fox tail removed from his paw. Our vet gave us the bigger picture.

The real story was that his foot was broken so long ago that the bones had
tired to heal but could not because the bone was so badly broken. At the time of the break his skin was cut and there was an infection so bad that it was close to going into the bone. We paid a lot of money to save him. I am very happy to say that the infection is gone and he no longer limps. We have not been given any help from the people we got him from. Sadly they are full of excuses and not giving us anymore information about him.

well, that totally stinks. What is the name of the rescue, or at least, what area are you located?

I'm glad you were able to get him better and he's a cutey
What a sad start for poor Charlie, but he has had his happy ending!! :) Thanks so much for rescuing him and making him all better! :huggles:
It was a group in Tracy, California. If I had not been so in love I might have seen the signs.

We met in a park. They didn't want a check because other people had given them bad checks. The only contact information was an email address. I didn't check his foot. All of those should have raised my flags. Stupid, I know!

But... he needed me and I wanted him! It was a done deal. We are still dealing with marking in the house but, when I take him for a walk or to the park or see his silly face, it doesn't matter, he's mine. I would not have given him back to "those people" for all the money in the world!

Jeri....I think I really like you a lot!!! He is so lucky you came around. Welcome to the group.
The info about the group is good to know. I'm not too far from Tracy. I'm glad Cahrlie found a good home.
Jeri, Oh I'm so glad you rescued little Charlie. These little ones do not deserve the lives they have had. You will watch him florish now in your home. We all welcome you and will help you any way we can!^_^
Nice to meet you Jeri. How did you find us? I never realized how common debarking was till now. What bones were broken and how did they repair them?
Hi Jerri.

I'm so glad you found Charlie. He now has a chance at a good life and you sound like a wonderful person. If he needed you and you wanted him, its a perfect match!
I'm glad that Charlie & you found each other. Sounds like it was meant to be.